Sunday 17 August 2014

Camping in s france-on the move again

Wow we have had a busy weekend inspecting sites and today its finally time to move on.
We have stayed at Domains due Home for two weeks. I have to admit that its not a campsite that I would normally have chosen but with children its perfect. The site quietened down a lot yesterday as a lot left. There's one big thing wrong with this site...the other campers! As you would expect most of them have kids. I love kids but for gods sake look after them! They just run riot. Maybe I was a strict parent but the toilets are not a playground! I feel sorry for the campsite staff.There is everything here a child could want but the parents have to get off their butts and take them there!  Rant over!
With it being so close to the beach the pitches are..dusty/sandy so I'm actually looking forward to camping on grass later on when we move slightly more inland to the Names area. It certainly looks a quieter area.
Talking of quietness. We went from one extreme to the other on Sunday. We went to look at a site in the pyranees. The sat Navy lies. It said a two hour journey...the silly thing didn't know it was high season and 4 hours later we arrived! We were very close to Andorra. Whether its me but why would anyone want to camp on the side of a mountain?! 'Levelling blocks may be required' What?! Levelling blocks the height of the Eiffel tower then maybe! What was even worse is the temperature dropped from 29 on the coast to 13 degrees! Oh yes 5 during the night, but don't worry if you are cold the campsite will lend out blankets! What?! Its maybe ideal for cyclists or serious walkers but don't put me in that bloody category!
When we were coming back down to civilisation we passed two separate incidents of cars on fire! Eeks possibly through over braking? Anyhow we passed a Lidl supermarket so we thought we would stop. All I can say is that you must be extremely vulnerable up Lidls car park..yes Lidls not Harrods in the car park were two security men patrolling complete with dog! Corr get me out of here! I like peace and quiet and security but helooo..why would anyone want to camp up there?!
All the big sites down here employ security staff so there must really be a problem. On this site its very good but I can't help wonder why people park in remote positions and risk themselves? There is still wild camping down here but nothing like it used to be..hmm I wonder why?!
So I'm waffling on here. I'm quite excited about moving ( sad I know!) The wanderer needs to wander. The sun is little adventure..getting Dave out of bed! Packed up and away! Au Revoir!

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