Wednesday 20 August 2014

Camping France v Spain? Have I been converted or corrupted?!

I am often asked " which is my favourite campsite" or which is the best country for. Camping. This really got me thinking. This year I have probably stayed at 25 sites in both Countries so feel as though I can now make a reasonable comparison. France, like most Brits was my first foreign camping adventure so it was my first love. Spain just seemed at the time a little bit too far and unknown. What has happened over the past 25 years or more?
Well I have to say whether its political,with EU money or what I don't know but campsites in Spain leave France sadly way behind. France in my opinion used to lead the way and were a camping mad nation but the Spanish have come along and really got their act together.
Yes, there are still small beautiful sites in both countries but facility wise..Spain has it. I can hardly think of a Spanish site that I have struggled to get my caravan on to. I certainly can't think of one that still has unisex toilet blocks or doesn't have a pool as standard! You literally drive along the A9 same climate on to the AP 7 and everything changes!
Spain often misses out with its history and culture. France has it in abundance everywhere. The Cost as have sadly taken over its identity. Head inland. There are places that you will be amazed at. Areas that make the lake district look brown and flat with waterfalls and lakes. Cordoba, Seville, Barcelona are leagues above Nice, Bordeaux etc but we miss them! France has my favourite Sommieres, Nies etc but Spain has even more but we have to find them.m
The other strange thing that I have noticed is the different types of campers. I talk to other Brits in France " this is the best site. We've been coming here to this pitch for 20 years. We be booked again next year' Helllooo how do you know its the best? What are you comparing it with?!" I guess its me being horrible and they are happy and have found their eutopia. Its a good job we aren't all the same and as for would have to pay me to stay on the site that I visited yesterday! What probably didn't help was the 20 mile journey that took one and a half hours! Traffic in southern France is horrendous where's in Spain they don't seem to have as many problems.
Service areas/Aires. France again used to win hands down every time with special parking areas for caravans and good facilities. OK so there are no designated parking areas generally in Spain but as for facilities and cleanliness..Spain has won again! Dirty, crowded toilets and rip off prices have become the norm in France. Again going down the same road how can you charge 6.40 for two white coffees in a paper cup in France and 2.40 for two cups ( in real cups!) In Spain?! I think I will die of thirst first!
Having written here just what I think I realise that I have been converted! I speak a little French and even less Spanish but the Spanish generally seem more accomodating.  Most of them try and speak english if I'm struggling but many of the French won't even try! I do know that I'm the ignorant one as I'm in their country!
My o level French does get pushed to its limits at times!
So do I have a favourite campsite? No. Is the simple answer but I have several favourites and the majority are in Spain with the exception of Hungary but that's another blog for another day! Go to Hungary you won't be disappointed!

PS and don't get me going on the cost of leaves in France! Lol

Just found this article....some of these take some beating!

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