Friday 15 August 2014

Busy Busy Busy in south of france goes on? Why does a weeks holiday always go so fast?! We have really enjoyed a weeks holiday down here with my daughter and granddaughter who flew into Montpellier. Yes its hellishly busy and noise but hey its high season. If you don't like it busy..don't come to the south of France in high season!
We were able to have three fan days on the beach. The sort of days that are traditional and you wish  would last forever but the memories will
Now if you thought that this looks like child labour you are totally wrong and lacking in imagination. This is granny being saved by Ariel from the Disney film " Little Mermaid!" How silly are you?!

Now some of the uneducated may wonder why we are sitting on what appears to be a hole in the sand...WRONG! We are in a speedboat going to Bridlington! Lol Oh there any hope?!
So yesterday I took my playmates to the airport and thought it was time that I did some work. We inspected two lovely sitesin Narbonne. LA Nautique which is really quirky as each pitch has its own private bathroom and then Led Mimosas which is also lovely but for different reasons. Mimosas has its own small aqua park and to date has the cleanest logos in France to date!
Yes I know it might sound sad but my daughter and I really have a thing about lo! I do not ever remember the French toilets being so dirty. I keep thinking its beosse its high season but I think maybe its the recession. VEven in the airport yestecausey they were...let's not go there!
We met one unhappy camper yesterday " its just too noise. We are leaving early!" Hellloooo Its high season! Did they really expect to have it quiet?! Its not my favourite time of the year for camping but hey..its sunny and everything is open! Every negative must have a positive!
So its just the old man and me again today. We actually have to walk miles around these sites to inspect them. We managed two yesterday. We are pushing the boat out today ( not the sand type!) and are aiming for three today. Heaven help my legs!  Hey walking and working in the sunshine is better than in the rain! Hope today is sunny for you too!

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