Thursday 28 August 2014

Campsite from hell! You bill camp here!

OK so I have found some amazing municipal campsites in France but I have also found some at the other end of the spectrum and last night was one of those. In my worst campsite ever list this was definitely in the top 5 anywhere!
So it read really well in the caravan club book. Good security it said. Good restaurants it said. Good facilities it said. All I can say is they re bloody liars!
We pulled in to the little town of Ferrieres en Gatinais to find theentrance gate only half open. I pulled up and a lady in a French car and speaking French asked me if I wanted to camp. Well this was a big mistake " yes please. Two nights'. She looked a little surprised and took my money. I always tell people not to pay up front and I broke my own bloody rule! The grass was long and desperately needed a cut. The place was scruffy. Never mind it had good restaurants nearby, free WiFi and good facilities so I will remain positive.
We went for a walk in the medieval town. I have to admit that it was pretty but nearly all the shops and restaurants had either closed or gone on holiday! Hey ho..we will go and find somewhere to eat later on. At teatime all these vans kept coming in. I think they were gypsies at best and I'm being very generous here tradesmen.
We went for a shower...omg do you remember the sort with the chains that you pull? Luke warm at best. Off we go out....oh no you don't. They locked the main gates and we couldn't get out! Is this what the person who did the last review meant of good security?! I couldn't see a fire hose an escape plan or anything and I was looking! I went to the warden and explained that I was not happy and even the free WiFi didn't work!. She told me the security man would be on if there was any problems ( he should have been on our surveillance teams as he was bloody invisible!) We stayed in and went to bed listening to every sound until 0630 when all the tradesmen left for work. ( I don't know why they all had their own keys when the security man was there?!) I won't tell you about the disgusting toilet blocks or rather the French people. I have a strong constitution but they made me feel I'll within the space of a hour. Yuk disgusting continental toilets so everyone used the only two sensible ones. I will leave the state of them to your imaginations!
At 10 this morning we booled out of the campsite from hell. In fact we only just managed it in the long wet grass an it had rained heavily. Can I be done for bilking when I had paid for two nights?! They would have had to pay me to stay any longer!We drove 30 miles up the road and its a lot more like. Never again to that place! All that said the little medieval town was lovely!

Now the campsite doesn't look too bad on here but look at my car wheels now you can guess the length of the grass!

Yes visit the town but not the campsite! All in lives rich...the joys of camping!

Monday 25 August 2014

Camping/travelling in Europe mobile phone tarrifs

I've been meaning to blog about this for sometime but wanted to check out for myself that its as good as its cracked up to be..and it is or so far so good!
I have always bought my phone and then paid ten pounds a month on line rental and then a Spanish phone and a wallet full of sim cards depending on which country I am in as until now this was the cheapest option until.......and I'm not on commission ( though I wish I was!) I complained at Car phone Warehouse when I was back in Hull who together with EE have come up with just about the perfect plan for us wanderers and my wallet is now empty ( it normally is-but no sim cards!)
OK I can call anyone anywhere in Europe and receive calls for free-unlimited. I can also send and receive texts anywhere to anyone in Europe for free. I get a data allowance in the UK which is huge and obviously gets eaten up abroad quickly but with the option to add more on as and when I need it! Fantastic and throw in a state of the art phone all for 35 quid a we are talking! It sounds a fairly heavy price but when I was topping up 10_20 euros here and there it will be a lot cheaper and just one phone! I did go over my data allowance once in France but opted to pay for more and it was so cheap and clear exactly how much I was spending..3 pounds! Cheaper than many campsites are charging to use their WiFi! Some are as expensive as 8 euros a hour! Another money saving tip brought to you by yours truly! Scottish and Yorkshire blood-it must be a good deal to get me to sign up!
We are still here at my favourite little municipal. Its the first time that we've really had chance to explore as on our previous visit it was just an overnight stop and it was raining. Yesterday we walked into the lovely little town which has a great supermarket,restaurants and just about everything you could need..I will let you know later about the hairdressers-I must try the Coiffure! Eeks! Walking through the campsite there is a lovely little river that leads to a picturesque port. I saw French families on the large open spaces having a very pretty and so very French on a Sunday afternoon.
The WiFi is excellent and involves my favourite word 'free!" . Its so good that we sat watching British TV last night but I seriously wondered why I bothered!
Its warm here. It was sunny yesterday. Who knows what the weather holds today..who knows its off to the hairdressers..chop! Chop!

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Camping France v Spain? Have I been converted or corrupted?!

I am often asked " which is my favourite campsite" or which is the best country for. Camping. This really got me thinking. This year I have probably stayed at 25 sites in both Countries so feel as though I can now make a reasonable comparison. France, like most Brits was my first foreign camping adventure so it was my first love. Spain just seemed at the time a little bit too far and unknown. What has happened over the past 25 years or more?
Well I have to say whether its political,with EU money or what I don't know but campsites in Spain leave France sadly way behind. France in my opinion used to lead the way and were a camping mad nation but the Spanish have come along and really got their act together.
Yes, there are still small beautiful sites in both countries but facility wise..Spain has it. I can hardly think of a Spanish site that I have struggled to get my caravan on to. I certainly can't think of one that still has unisex toilet blocks or doesn't have a pool as standard! You literally drive along the A9 same climate on to the AP 7 and everything changes!
Spain often misses out with its history and culture. France has it in abundance everywhere. The Cost as have sadly taken over its identity. Head inland. There are places that you will be amazed at. Areas that make the lake district look brown and flat with waterfalls and lakes. Cordoba, Seville, Barcelona are leagues above Nice, Bordeaux etc but we miss them! France has my favourite Sommieres, Nies etc but Spain has even more but we have to find them.m
The other strange thing that I have noticed is the different types of campers. I talk to other Brits in France " this is the best site. We've been coming here to this pitch for 20 years. We be booked again next year' Helllooo how do you know its the best? What are you comparing it with?!" I guess its me being horrible and they are happy and have found their eutopia. Its a good job we aren't all the same and as for would have to pay me to stay on the site that I visited yesterday! What probably didn't help was the 20 mile journey that took one and a half hours! Traffic in southern France is horrendous where's in Spain they don't seem to have as many problems.
Service areas/Aires. France again used to win hands down every time with special parking areas for caravans and good facilities. OK so there are no designated parking areas generally in Spain but as for facilities and cleanliness..Spain has won again! Dirty, crowded toilets and rip off prices have become the norm in France. Again going down the same road how can you charge 6.40 for two white coffees in a paper cup in France and 2.40 for two cups ( in real cups!) In Spain?! I think I will die of thirst first!
Having written here just what I think I realise that I have been converted! I speak a little French and even less Spanish but the Spanish generally seem more accomodating.  Most of them try and speak english if I'm struggling but many of the French won't even try! I do know that I'm the ignorant one as I'm in their country!
My o level French does get pushed to its limits at times!
So do I have a favourite campsite? No. Is the simple answer but I have several favourites and the majority are in Spain with the exception of Hungary but that's another blog for another day! Go to Hungary you won't be disappointed!

PS and don't get me going on the cost of leaves in France! Lol

Just found this article....some of these take some beating!

Tuesday 19 August 2014

My favourite town in France. Sommieres

I don't really know why but I visited Sommieres about six years ago and fell in love with the place. I was going to say that it hasn't changed and its still beautiful. I don't suppose even in this day and age they could alter a medieval town that much. It is just like stepping back in time,beautifully preserved and without too much tourism. Another hidden gem in this well as the campsite! You really couldn't be anywhere else in the world,its so..French! There's no other word for it. Walk through the old gates of the town, down the cobbled street and it opens into a square with people sitting chatting and drinking their coffees. My mind went into overdrive and I could imagine once upon a time a bustling market taking place. After visiting another very modern campsite in this area it was just what the doctor ordered..a return to traditional France that I love

 I just couldn't stop taking pictures trying to catch the ambience of the place!This place is about five miles from one of my favourite not quite, I still have to find the local vineyard but I'm certain that in this area it won't be too difficult to find! We certainly have the sun too.
So today we are looking at yet another campsite and then slowly start heading north to meet everyone in Paris for the start of our big 47 day entitled " The Riviera Touch' which after travelling through France, Switzerland, Slovenia, Croatia and Italy brings us back to the Riviera..hmm wonder how they thought of that name?! I'm really excited about that Tour. Please let's just hope we get a good crowd. It should be great fun.
Ahh well off to inspect another site today and then maybe poolside this afternoon...everything in moderation you know..
P.s the Aussie from yesterday must have left as I'm still in one piece!

South of France Camping Wow Found a gem!

We visit lots of campsites but now and again you get pleasantly surprised when one jumps out and really grabs you and this one really has! Its not the biggest, flashiest or for once most expensive just French and lovely. Its near Sommieres and Arles so well south for good weather. The site is family owned and run and very personal. The facilities are all spotlessly clean. We tested the smallish but adequate pool and jacuzzi yesterday and they are perfect. The day was rounded off with a lovely clean and hot shower and a super meal in the restaurant that really wasn't expensive. Yes there is a kids animation programme here but its far from noise. The pitches are all reasonably flat and within woodland. It seems so quiet and away from it all that I can't believe that I am in the South of France in high season. Maybe I shouldn't blog about it as I will definitely be coming here again and I won't be able to get on! OK so there's no beach. The nearest one is 25 miles away at LA Grand Motte ( twinned with Hornsea in east yorks) so its still possible for a day at the beach.

Don't ask me who the geezer is in the restaurant but even the table presentation was superb. A candlelit dinner on a campsite?! ( yes I was with Dave so it was totally wasted on him!)
The campsite is called Left Mas de Reilhe and is in a small village called Crespian. Co ordinates n 43.87850 e 4.09590 Really recommend this place.
Whilst having our meal last night we were joined by an Aussie travelling on his own. I think he was pleased to find us that could nearly speak english. Interesting guy initially as he is touring France on his own with a tent. Whether it was the bottle of wine taking effect but he became so boring! If Australia is so much bigger and better at everything why the bloody hell are you here?! I became a bitch ( well more so than normal!) I pointed to the 15th century farmhouse in which the campsite was based " hmm history. To think australia hadn't even been discovered when this place was built!" On that note he left not long after! He had obviously upset a Frenchman too. Apparently he had pitched his tent and told the Frenchman that he was Australian. The Frenchman told him to move his tent and he did! ' Back home I'd have sorted him!" All I can suggest with his attitude is that he hurries up back home! It takes all sorts to make a world and I found the one last night! Now I'm such a wuss that I'm going to make sure that he's gone before I post this as he might just come and sort me out!

Sunday 17 August 2014

Camping in s france-on the move again

Wow we have had a busy weekend inspecting sites and today its finally time to move on.
We have stayed at Domains due Home for two weeks. I have to admit that its not a campsite that I would normally have chosen but with children its perfect. The site quietened down a lot yesterday as a lot left. There's one big thing wrong with this site...the other campers! As you would expect most of them have kids. I love kids but for gods sake look after them! They just run riot. Maybe I was a strict parent but the toilets are not a playground! I feel sorry for the campsite staff.There is everything here a child could want but the parents have to get off their butts and take them there!  Rant over!
With it being so close to the beach the pitches are..dusty/sandy so I'm actually looking forward to camping on grass later on when we move slightly more inland to the Names area. It certainly looks a quieter area.
Talking of quietness. We went from one extreme to the other on Sunday. We went to look at a site in the pyranees. The sat Navy lies. It said a two hour journey...the silly thing didn't know it was high season and 4 hours later we arrived! We were very close to Andorra. Whether its me but why would anyone want to camp on the side of a mountain?! 'Levelling blocks may be required' What?! Levelling blocks the height of the Eiffel tower then maybe! What was even worse is the temperature dropped from 29 on the coast to 13 degrees! Oh yes 5 during the night, but don't worry if you are cold the campsite will lend out blankets! What?! Its maybe ideal for cyclists or serious walkers but don't put me in that bloody category!
When we were coming back down to civilisation we passed two separate incidents of cars on fire! Eeks possibly through over braking? Anyhow we passed a Lidl supermarket so we thought we would stop. All I can say is that you must be extremely vulnerable up Lidls car park..yes Lidls not Harrods in the car park were two security men patrolling complete with dog! Corr get me out of here! I like peace and quiet and security but helooo..why would anyone want to camp up there?!
All the big sites down here employ security staff so there must really be a problem. On this site its very good but I can't help wonder why people park in remote positions and risk themselves? There is still wild camping down here but nothing like it used to be..hmm I wonder why?!
So I'm waffling on here. I'm quite excited about moving ( sad I know!) The wanderer needs to wander. The sun is little adventure..getting Dave out of bed! Packed up and away! Au Revoir!

Friday 15 August 2014

Busy Busy Busy in south of france goes on? Why does a weeks holiday always go so fast?! We have really enjoyed a weeks holiday down here with my daughter and granddaughter who flew into Montpellier. Yes its hellishly busy and noise but hey its high season. If you don't like it busy..don't come to the south of France in high season!
We were able to have three fan days on the beach. The sort of days that are traditional and you wish  would last forever but the memories will
Now if you thought that this looks like child labour you are totally wrong and lacking in imagination. This is granny being saved by Ariel from the Disney film " Little Mermaid!" How silly are you?!

Now some of the uneducated may wonder why we are sitting on what appears to be a hole in the sand...WRONG! We are in a speedboat going to Bridlington! Lol Oh there any hope?!
So yesterday I took my playmates to the airport and thought it was time that I did some work. We inspected two lovely sitesin Narbonne. LA Nautique which is really quirky as each pitch has its own private bathroom and then Led Mimosas which is also lovely but for different reasons. Mimosas has its own small aqua park and to date has the cleanest logos in France to date!
Yes I know it might sound sad but my daughter and I really have a thing about lo! I do not ever remember the French toilets being so dirty. I keep thinking its beosse its high season but I think maybe its the recession. VEven in the airport yestecausey they were...let's not go there!
We met one unhappy camper yesterday " its just too noise. We are leaving early!" Hellloooo Its high season! Did they really expect to have it quiet?! Its not my favourite time of the year for camping but hey..its sunny and everything is open! Every negative must have a positive!
So its just the old man and me again today. We actually have to walk miles around these sites to inspect them. We managed two yesterday. We are pushing the boat out today ( not the sand type!) and are aiming for three today. Heaven help my legs!  Hey walking and working in the sunshine is better than in the rain! Hope today is sunny for you too!

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Family camping south of France in high season!

Well all I can say that staying at Domains de Yole has certainly been an experience and really given us some happy memories and excelled at our people watching facilities!
Yes its high season. Yes its busy. Its 5 star so it has absolutely everything here to keep a child happy well everyone its just the other campers at 70 euros a night! Whilst we have been here, we are camped next to the family from hell who surely must have the most miserable child that ever existed. We go to sleep to its crying and wake to the same noise. Its not actually a cry but a whinge-Id give it a bloody whinge and I'm a child lover! Its the parents though who think its a good idea to take it out at 9.30 at night instead of putting the thing to bed. It makes a refreshing change though-Any campsite I usually manage to find the obligatory happy dog!
So last night whilst the thing next door was whinging a Spanish family pulled up opposite. There is every nationality here. A young girl approached me and asked me if I could help her with her gas light as she had lost the base. Doesn't everyone carry a spare base?! She was with her parents and spoke my language fluently. A mixture if French and language is catching on! I went inside the van to find a spare light and as I turned around they were on fire! The parents had lit the unsafe light! Luckily it was put out very quickly but the Spanish camper in particular excel! Needless to say they were grateful if my spare little lamp. ( if only they knew it cost about 90 cents from a Chinese shop in Spain!)
Its lovely to see families having fun together instead of just us white harled nomads but I really don't know how they afford it. At reception yesterday was a lady with 2 kids willing to pay 90 euros a night but couldn't get a space. She was told to come back at 8 am the following day. She's just going to wild camp. Who can blame her? Is she safe though? With all the things in the media about kids school holidays maybe in places such as this they could extend their season and allow parents to take their kids out from June to October? It would certainly make pools etc safer ( 7 lifeguards on duty yesterday!)and everyone's holiday less cramped. The kids would still benefit and you never know the prices could come down a little?! OK so maybe not Ryanair!How mad is it that everyone in Europe is trying to have their holidays in the same places in the space of six weeks?! OK off my soapbox now!
The weather here has been quite good except yesterday when there was strong winds ( no not the baked bean type!) We had promised Molly another day at the beach was hell! Sand everywhere, even the wind shelter collapsed and then it clouded over! I would love to have taken a pic but thank god with all that sand about I didn't! We collected a few shells and survived about an hour so it was off to the campsite farm with granny. I'm still smarting over it 5 euros to see a donkey,2 pigs, a few goats,2 cows and some rabbits! Ever been had?! A farm?! Ahh but don't worry entrance is free if you buy a would have been about 120 euros for us to have eaten there...what a bargain?! I just paid my 5 euros gracefully and Molly at least seemed to enjoy it! We are in silly season in the south of France! Today is another day and we might try the sand sand sandwiches again! Half of me doesn't want to leave the campsite though as the Spanish I feel are going to provide better entertainment than any animation team could provide..their entrance was flame throwing..I can't help but wonder what their next act will be?!
Ahh well whingy Sasha is up ( we've heard his parents yell at him that much we know his name and the dogs called Elvis!) Oh please...! I'm sure you can picture the scene...the dog escapes and they yell " Elvis!"yes that's a regular source if amusement too. I also wonder if their mothers posess  a full length mirror but that's a rant for another day! Off to get ready for the beach. Have a good day folks!

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Oo LA LA another lovely day

Well two days running on the internet wow-even if they do know how to charge. Life is good here. The weather is what makes it so perfect. Its actually hotter than southern Spain but there is always a pleasant warm breeze and checking on the internet last night the humidity is only half as dense. You can sleep at night.
I started the day by walking. The views were amazing

Well everything in moderation! You didn't think I'd taken up serious walking did you?! Yes,it was pure cafe au lait! So very english. I was tempted to do another bout of exercise on my way in but it was closed

Its probably the first time that I have actually seen the pool as its so busy! Its a funny place this. You would think that I was in Holland. The French and the Brits are definitely in the minority. People watching on the beach isn't as much fun. Its a bit of a give away as they are all tall and blond and nearly all the young studs wear orange shorts! OO if only I was younger! Its a very popular campsite and I can see why.
There is entertainment that starts at 9.30 pm now that's the real giveaway as to nationalities. We are normally sipping a glass of vino or two quietly when we are disturbed by kiddies pushchairs! The French and the odd english think its OK to take a toddler out at that age and wonder why the thing is crying! I would bloody cry if I was being dragged up there! Helllooooo...the child is tired! We have a family next to us in a tent. The child is grizzly all day, the parents constantly tell it off and then drag it out at bedtime! Well I'm certainly not mother nature or a rocket scientist but to me they must be having the holiday from hell that is self inflicted! Worse still is that when they do go to sleep in their tent the father snores! It does take all sorts!
Tomorrow is a great exciting day for us. My daughter and granddaughter are flying out. Montpellier airport is only 35 minutes drive away. Well thats what the sat Nav reckons! We have to find it in all the heavy traffic! Maybe after babysitting a 4 year old for a while I will be dragging her up to the entertainment! Secretly I am so excited-I can actually go and play in the sea and the pool with my rubber ring( as if I really needed an excuse!) I will be able to go down the water flume without people saying " look at that silly old woman!". It will be OK you see as they will think that I am doing it to be a nice granny! Well I'm not. I'm doing it because I WANT to!
Growing up? Responsible? Me? Never!
So talking of being responsible and grown up.....I had better get tidy and do the wait a I really tidying up for a 4 year old coming?! I had better go outside and have a word with myself! Phew what a panic I had then! Have a good day folks!

Monday 4 August 2014

A very different week!

Well we left the lovely little municipal and headed south. We stayed a couple of nights in a municipal near Left Gorges du Tarn which was a beautiful area. The municipal was OK if a little overgrown and headed to the south coast in high season without a booking. Am I mad?! Many of the commercial sites are charging 75 euros a night and they are full! Oo LA LA! My northern blood wouldn't let me pay that much. I found a municipal near Meze and Beziers that I thought was worth a try. The easiest bit was getting booked on the site at 17 euros a night-the difficult bit was getting to it. The French decided to dig up the bloody road and put up a deviation. Whoever thought a deviation around a medieval town with a caravan on the back was a good idea?! I took this snap but basically at this point the roads were like motorways!
Having kicked Dave out the car to go and physically walk to look for different approaches a lovely French lady in a car asked me what the problem it wasn't obvious?!  Do I normally camp on the side of a narrow street?! Eventually after declaring that the deviation was 'complicated, ( understatement!) She finally said 'follow me!" I threw David back in the car and chased this mad French woman across the countryside and to the campsite. She was right 'complicated?!" I'd still be on that bloody street or at least a divorce court!
The site was basic but pleasant. 17.50 a night. A little restaurant on site and bar. Cleanish sanitary facilities but the place was full so we were lucky to get on. It was supposed to have WiFi but that was constantly down. The area was lovely though. Meze was superb

The little town that I had driven around lost with the caravan was also pretty when I went back to discover it on foot.

Now what I don't understand is if the romans and medieval folk were so clever why didn't they build towns suitable for my caravan?. Hmm an advanced driving course complete with caravan! 
Camping next to us was a retired French couple in a tent. Well come to that everyone was French except us but hey ho! They seemed pleasant and exchanged pleasantries. They spent a lot of time out and we wondered where they disappeared to. The next day we drove out the campsite and I saw a lot of tents on a field. I instantly thought " market. Shopping!" So off we went. What a surprise we got. Our neighbour dressed in a skirt as a Roman soldier! It was a re enactment thingy. The following day they all marched through the campsite

It takes all sorts to make a world! Our neighbour is the guy at the very front and they call us " crazy anglaise?!"
Well after four nights there we escaped the Roman Invasion and managed to get on to a commercial site...75 euros a night! Getting to Domains due LA Yole was a sheer pleasure except for the volume of traffic on the A9. We stopped for a break at the quirkies coffee shop ever

It even had free WiFi! I fell in love with it but coffee at 9 euros for 2 in a paper cup?! Thank the lord I didn't ask for a big cup!
Well so here we are on a 4 star or it could be 5 star campsite and after some of the municipals I can't say I'm that impressed at the moment. Yes there is entertainment on. There must have been 300 people watching the band last night....they were quite good..maybe its just my age?! WiFi 25 euros for two weeks ouch! You are very honoured!
So far I have decided that I definitely prefer South of France in high season compared to Spain. Yes its hot but its not humid. You can park near the beaches and get on them. You can easily get in a pool. The downside is that ..wait for it the price of food! 10 euros for a chicken at Carrefour! Steak was cheaper! The roads are busy and all the campsites are. The big difference so far between municipals and commercial sites apart from the price is language. All the commercial sites speak as much english as they do French but on the municipals its French and we were something of a novelty..they are probably still laughing at my French but at least I had a go and survived!
So its another lovely sunny day here with a beautiful warm breeze. Will it be the pool or the beach? Hmmm too many decisions for this time in the morning. Cuppa tea time me revoir! Bon journee!