Tuesday 16 September 2014

The Caravan Club Riviera Touch Tour 2014-Romeo wherefore art thee?!

http://www.sava-hotels-resorts.com/en/accomodations/sava-hoteli-bled/camping-bled/Where am I? I had breakfast in Italy, lunch in Austria and my dinner in Slovenia!Can you be jet lagged by car?! Great fun though.
Before I ramble on I must blog about Monday. A coach arrived at the campsite and took us to Verona for the day for a little bit of culture ( well we tried!) A lovely city.
I walked miles but some of our group were not so energetic

We walked miles to find Juliet's house and famous balcony

Apparently if you rub Julliets breast you get good luck? Any excuse for some people!

Ahh well the cultural bit out of the way and then shopping! 
So yesterday we left lovely Italy and drove through Austria into Slovenia and we are now at Lake Bled. Unfortunately the weather here isn't so good but I do love this place. When we arrived we had a meal in the site restaurant. Just look at the setting

If only the sun would shine! Absolutely stunning as was the food and service oh and the wine ( well I had to sample it for health and safety reasons!) Today we are going on to the island in lake Bled. If its the same as last year I can't tell you much about the island but I can tell you about the hunks rowing the gondola! How to make an old bird very happy! That's today...tomorrow bring on Croatia! WWW. Jet laggedbycar.com!

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