Wednesday 17 September 2014

The Caravan Club The Riviera Touch Grand Tour. Sorry to leave Slovenia

Ok so the weather here hasnt been great. Its the secomd time that I have visited this place but it is truly beautiful-even in mud! It is the place of fairytales and the lovely friendly people. The place is spotlessly clean and the people are happy, polite and very welcoming. Yesterday our transport arrived to take us on to Bled Island

Now last time I went there we had some beautiful eye candy rowing us. I told all the women in the group but what a disappointment we got!
He was a very nice man though! Some of the other views were stunning that eased my disappointment!

nice pic of my thumb?!

We went into the church where legend has it if you ring the bell three times and make a wish your dream will come true. Some of the group having a go
There certainly was a knack to this bell ringing lark! We got back to dry land and were served coffee and a traditional slovenian cake at the lakeside. The trip was short but totally enjoyable. 
Well thats Slovenia. Id better get my skates on as today its..Croatia! 

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