Sunday 7 September 2014

The Caravan Club Riviera Touch Tour One week on

I havent had chance to blog its been too much wow wow and wow. I cant believe a week has gone by only 6 more to go! We are in the Burgundy area of France. Tomorrow we move to Switzerland. We arrived here on saturday (i think!) We were greeted in the chateau by Gert who is the manager here at the Campsite with a lovely welcome programme, a nox containing two engraved winr tasting glasses and of course wine! What a welcome. The site is really just to die for


The following day we had our own coach to take us to the wine museum. I must be honest and thought that it sounded pretty boring but it was amazing and really good fun. There were loads of animated films etc and even one of those simulators.We were bees! Yep flying ovwr the vineyards. It was great. We were then taken into this bar and again wow! I made a video but I cant upload the damned thing! It was all 1920s with an old organ but they were using wine bottles! We then had the most amazing meal in the restaurant that was a themed railway station. What a day.
Yesterday was a quietish day spent in the pool ( well it would be rude not to) and then last night back in the chateaus caves tasting!

Im not zure that it was any good. I may have to go again tonight!
Oh no I cant. We are going for a farewell meal in the chateau!. Switzerland tomorrow. We will certainly dry out there. The last time I was there I paid e8 pounds for a bottle of the cheapest wine! Today some are going to the market. Some are going to the monuments sere 22 SAS soldiers died and 300 British Troups. Me? Life is tough..I feel the pool calling but which one?!

Oh on my way up to the courtyard toblogg I saw these little creatures. They look a bit like otters but they re not. Their name begins with 'c' but I cant remember! Very sweet though!

Have a good day whatever you are doing. I will try hard not to get sunburnt!

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