Friday 26 September 2014

The Caravan Club The Riviera Touch Grand Tour

Well don't even ask what day it is. I believe I'm in Italy! What a way to spend your birthday! It was certainly different!
All that mattered to me was that friends and family all contacted me-thank you but there were more surprises. Firstly by our co hosts I was presented with a lovely cake
That was super and somehow divided into 32 pieces. Liz and Pete then gave me another surprise
and they had written happy birthday Jean on it! Another camper, Chris then got a mandolin out and played and sang 'happy birthday'. I was also given a birthday girl badge and was instructed to wear it all day. I did even round the supermarket. The Croatians were all saying something to me and I was replying 'thank you' but for all I know they could have been swearing at me!
5 o clock came and it was time to catch the ferry from Split to Ancona. I had been to the dockside before and was assured that we would all be lined up together and that I would be isued with everyone's boarding cards. What could possibly go wrong?!
Just before we left the campsite there was an almighty cloudburst so we were all rather wet-hey ho-the joys of camping! I was supposed to be tail end charlie but when I got there I was a little surprised to find out that I was one of the first! Richard who was the leader on that day had missed the turning and half the group followed! Fortunately they all made it in time but caravans and motorhomes were all over the place. I got our boarding cards. I hadn't realised it was that sort of tour but they had managed to swop everyonbes partners up! Oh yes a but of wife swapping going on?!  OK so we can sort that out. Tickets for this, tickets for that all wrong. We finally started lining up to go in the hold but in the middle if us was a little French couple in a car. I heard them protesting to an official they thought that they were in the queue for Greece! I must admit I was rather relieved when we were all on board a ship that was definitely going to Italy but then I had to get cabin keys.... Some of our group had already got their own and then suddenly a very officious woman demanded to see the group leader..oh dear... Here is your 13 keys I need your passport to secure them!" I tried to explain that half the group already had cabins. 'Shut up and listen to me!" And so she continued! We had half the cabins on the bloody ship! We just used the best ones which weren't that good to start off with! That will serve her right telling me to shut up!
After this ordeal there was only one thing for it...a stiff g and t. Wine was not going to cut it. Everything was so bad and disorganised all you could do was laugh. If I hadn't I would have been sectioned. To say the ship was basic was the understatement but one thing they did have was a chaspel-I thought I might need it for some extra strength! We had a good night in the bar. I'm not too sure about the company that I kepot though
The food in the a LA carte restaurant was dire. The crossing was pretty smooth and there was only one thing for it. Go to bed and prey that I finish up in Italy and that I get everyone's room keys back or I might have to go back to Croatia!
Breakfast was served. A cup of coffee and a croissant on a serviette that Wimpeys could use as building blocks! I don't even like bloody croissants. Your choice it or leave it!
All was forgiven though when I could see land and yes it was Italy..oh what a lovely sight

No not David...Italy waking up! Well it did look nice from the boat but the dockside certainly didn't. The Italians don't believe in road signs and as is always the case they had dug roads up. About an hour later we were all safely at Numana Blue Campsite which is huge, empty but lovely. Talk about a birthday I will never forger. Avoid Blue Line Ferries at all costs unless wife/cabin swapping is your thing!

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