Friday 26 September 2014

The Caravan Club The Riviera Touch Grand Tour

Well don't even ask what day it is. I believe I'm in Italy! What a way to spend your birthday! It was certainly different!
All that mattered to me was that friends and family all contacted me-thank you but there were more surprises. Firstly by our co hosts I was presented with a lovely cake
That was super and somehow divided into 32 pieces. Liz and Pete then gave me another surprise
and they had written happy birthday Jean on it! Another camper, Chris then got a mandolin out and played and sang 'happy birthday'. I was also given a birthday girl badge and was instructed to wear it all day. I did even round the supermarket. The Croatians were all saying something to me and I was replying 'thank you' but for all I know they could have been swearing at me!
5 o clock came and it was time to catch the ferry from Split to Ancona. I had been to the dockside before and was assured that we would all be lined up together and that I would be isued with everyone's boarding cards. What could possibly go wrong?!
Just before we left the campsite there was an almighty cloudburst so we were all rather wet-hey ho-the joys of camping! I was supposed to be tail end charlie but when I got there I was a little surprised to find out that I was one of the first! Richard who was the leader on that day had missed the turning and half the group followed! Fortunately they all made it in time but caravans and motorhomes were all over the place. I got our boarding cards. I hadn't realised it was that sort of tour but they had managed to swop everyonbes partners up! Oh yes a but of wife swapping going on?!  OK so we can sort that out. Tickets for this, tickets for that all wrong. We finally started lining up to go in the hold but in the middle if us was a little French couple in a car. I heard them protesting to an official they thought that they were in the queue for Greece! I must admit I was rather relieved when we were all on board a ship that was definitely going to Italy but then I had to get cabin keys.... Some of our group had already got their own and then suddenly a very officious woman demanded to see the group leader..oh dear... Here is your 13 keys I need your passport to secure them!" I tried to explain that half the group already had cabins. 'Shut up and listen to me!" And so she continued! We had half the cabins on the bloody ship! We just used the best ones which weren't that good to start off with! That will serve her right telling me to shut up!
After this ordeal there was only one thing for it...a stiff g and t. Wine was not going to cut it. Everything was so bad and disorganised all you could do was laugh. If I hadn't I would have been sectioned. To say the ship was basic was the understatement but one thing they did have was a chaspel-I thought I might need it for some extra strength! We had a good night in the bar. I'm not too sure about the company that I kepot though
The food in the a LA carte restaurant was dire. The crossing was pretty smooth and there was only one thing for it. Go to bed and prey that I finish up in Italy and that I get everyone's room keys back or I might have to go back to Croatia!
Breakfast was served. A cup of coffee and a croissant on a serviette that Wimpeys could use as building blocks! I don't even like bloody croissants. Your choice it or leave it!
All was forgiven though when I could see land and yes it was Italy..oh what a lovely sight

No not David...Italy waking up! Well it did look nice from the boat but the dockside certainly didn't. The Italians don't believe in road signs and as is always the case they had dug roads up. About an hour later we were all safely at Numana Blue Campsite which is huge, empty but lovely. Talk about a birthday I will never forger. Avoid Blue Line Ferries at all costs unless wife/cabin swapping is your thing!

Wednesday 24 September 2014

The Caravan Club. The Riviera Touch Grand Tour Wow Croatia!

Well when we got to Croatia so did the bad weather. We were awoken early on monday-well most of the night by storms. Thunder,lightening and hailstones. I lost count after five times of checking things! Many campers lost awnings and things. I was none too pleased when the alarm went off at 0630 for a boat trip of all things! The sea looked rough. Hmm not much fun and the wind...put the trip back an hour said the captain. At this point I was convinced that we were on a suicide mission. Another coffee then and go to the port. We walked there and didn't find the glamorous boat we were expecting but
Some were very concerned about its age but I had already put my trust in the captain because exactly one hour later the wind and storm had stopped as quickly as it had started. Oh boy am I pleased that I went?! It was the most amazing day. We had the boat to ourselves with the captain giving us a commentary. He was lovely. 60"s and 70"s music playing and we were all singing our little socks off. The snapps given as soon as we boarded could have had something to do with it! The crew was his son who didn't stop the entire journey giving us coffees etc. The views and the islands were just wow wow wow. I would put them on a par with the Seychelles! Yes a cleaner more sophisticated Greece. 
We knew that lunch was provided on board and having seen the small galley we had no idea of how this father and son were going to produce any sort of a meal. We stopped and went round an island. We couldn't believe our eyes when we got back to the boat
This is the captain barbecuing!

For all the expensive meals we have had out most people agreed that it was the best meal they have had! Apparently the fish was incredibly fresh. Hats off to this father and son team! The islands..all I can say is it was a day none of us will ever forget

On the way back from the is ads champagne was served! What a top day. We got back at 7pm exhausted but it was unbelievable. I would travel thousands of miles for that day..oh I just did! The boat was 41 years old and built in Venice. I've often wondered what I would do if ever I won the lottery it would be to buy THAT boat and hire that captain and his son every day! This place or rather these islands should be on everyone's bucket list. Croatia itself is OK and things are very cheap and clean but DO NOT come to Croatia without getting on a boat! 

Monday 22 September 2014

The Caravan Club The Riviera Touch Grand Tour Croatia

Well its all been a little more crazy than normal since we hit Croatia. On Thursday we arrived at king Korana. The area was totally amazing when we could see it through the mud and rain! We would have coped OK but all the other campsites in the area were flooded and came to this one..I have only ever seen anything like this at a motorhome show!
Now if all that lot wasn't bad enough sharing our four toilets and showers in came two coach hotels!
Madness! I expected a load of teenagers to get out of these bus/hotel things but it was full of German pensioners! Enough was enough and a quick call to East Grinstead to advise them of the conditions and we were away ( after a lovely meal of course!) 
Travelling down to camping Galeb was horrendous. It was like 2007 all over again. Storm after storm. We tried putting fuel in the car but all the fuel stations were without electricity! It was all pretty scarey with flooding everywhere. When we got to camping Galeb it was still raining and some of their pitches were flooded but they soon dried up and the sun came out. We found ourselves in a stunning location.
I went to the restaurant to organise an extra meal for us all as after a drive like that there was no way that I was cooking. I was instantly led astray by the Croatians and finished up joining a wedding party! They are mad! They have a party before the bride goes to church as well as a long one afterwards! I don't know what the drink was but it was very nice! Hospitable and very friendly HIC ( I'd only gone to organise a meal!)

OK so the meal was fun thanks to our lack of language skills and it became a fun game of lucky dip! You got literally what you were given! Some of the wedding party spotted me and we gate crashed the wedding party!

Oops us geriatrics behaving badly! They wouldn't let us pay for a single drink. They were such lovely friendly people. It was absolutely great fun. Good luck to the very happy couple ( whoever you are!)
The following morning the sun was out and we have a slightly different scene with members if our group!
Many of us finished the day with a swim in the sea. It was hard to believe it is the sea. It didn't have any waves! It was salty but more like a lake and then just for a change....
Had I not already told you that I had spent the afternoon swimming I could have told you that I spent all afternoon preparing this! Any wonder how much weight I've put on?! Its a real mucky job! The food was spectacular but unlucky for us no one else was getting married! 
Through the night there were even more storms. I suspect the washing didn't dry but its a chill out day and getting organised for our boat trips tomorrow. Croatia is definitely the place for wedding parties. Now where's Villa Black when you need her urgently?!

Wednesday 17 September 2014

The Caravan Club The Riviera Touch Grand Tour. Sorry to leave Slovenia

Ok so the weather here hasnt been great. Its the secomd time that I have visited this place but it is truly beautiful-even in mud! It is the place of fairytales and the lovely friendly people. The place is spotlessly clean and the people are happy, polite and very welcoming. Yesterday our transport arrived to take us on to Bled Island

Now last time I went there we had some beautiful eye candy rowing us. I told all the women in the group but what a disappointment we got!
He was a very nice man though! Some of the other views were stunning that eased my disappointment!

nice pic of my thumb?!

We went into the church where legend has it if you ring the bell three times and make a wish your dream will come true. Some of the group having a go
There certainly was a knack to this bell ringing lark! We got back to dry land and were served coffee and a traditional slovenian cake at the lakeside. The trip was short but totally enjoyable. 
Well thats Slovenia. Id better get my skates on as today its..Croatia! 

Tuesday 16 September 2014

The Caravan Club Riviera Touch Tour 2014-Romeo wherefore art thee?! am I? I had breakfast in Italy, lunch in Austria and my dinner in Slovenia!Can you be jet lagged by car?! Great fun though.
Before I ramble on I must blog about Monday. A coach arrived at the campsite and took us to Verona for the day for a little bit of culture ( well we tried!) A lovely city.
I walked miles but some of our group were not so energetic

We walked miles to find Juliet's house and famous balcony

Apparently if you rub Julliets breast you get good luck? Any excuse for some people!

Ahh well the cultural bit out of the way and then shopping! 
So yesterday we left lovely Italy and drove through Austria into Slovenia and we are now at Lake Bled. Unfortunately the weather here isn't so good but I do love this place. When we arrived we had a meal in the site restaurant. Just look at the setting

If only the sun would shine! Absolutely stunning as was the food and service oh and the wine ( well I had to sample it for health and safety reasons!) Today we are going on to the island in lake Bled. If its the same as last year I can't tell you much about the island but I can tell you about the hunks rowing the gondola! How to make an old bird very happy! That's today...tomorrow bring on Croatia! WWW. Jet!

Monday 15 September 2014

The Caravan Club The Riviera Touch Tour Goodbye Switzerland!

I have to say that this is my third time of visiting Switzerland and each time I dislike it more! Maybe this time we were unlucky with the weather. There was always cloud and rain but it reminded me so much of england in the winter-dull and grey! It was cold and its only September. We had VIP passes for the mountain trains etc but as it was so cloudy there was little to see. We did plenty of walking. Some brave souls ventured up to the top of Europe but many were made very I'll by it. I'm not exaggerating one of our group had to be helped by paramedics! She is fine now but why on earth put yourself through that?! I found the swiss people the same as the County. They never smile! There's notices everywhere " do not do----!" It was an effort for them to even take my money from me in shops etc. We were rather an inconvenience! We left on Saturday morning and we got a quick glimpse of the Top of Europe ( I couldn't begin to spell its real name!)
Wow exciting..snow?! I'm sorry its lost on me so we tried to escape to Italy. To cut a long story short and having spent 70 euros on tolls it took us 8 and a half hours to cover 250 miles! The Swiss roads are terrible. At best they are a dual carriageway. After being stuck in an underpass for two hours we stopped in Italy for a leg stretch. Despite what reputations different Countries have Italy was far far cleaner. I held a door open for someone. The young girl smiled " gratzi'. Oh how lovely-a simple smile! 
So after the journey from hell we arrived at camping for Ella at Lake Garda. In two years this little campsite has more than doubled in size. I love Garda but like everything else its all about money and along have come all these static caravans and we can't even see the lake now! The touring pitches are the poor relations though the facilities are first class.
Yesterday morning we started the day with a boat trip on to the island in the middle of the lake, followed by an afternoon swim in the pool and then all 26 of us went out for a meal on the campsite overlooking the lake. Fantastic food and great value

Yes there are mountains and yes there is sun. Its about 28 degrees with nice people, nice food and a lovely climate..hmm let me think?! Oh yes and real motorways that have cheap tolls! Italy I had forgotten how much I love you!
Today we visited Verona for a little bit of culture but as I'm first away tomorrow to Slovenia I'd better leave that for another day. I enjoyed Verona but 'Romeo Romeo where fore art thou?!" It was all lost on Stoney. He really hasn't grasped the concept of the word 'romance!" 
Anyhow guys an early night as Slovenia awaits Chow babes! 

Wednesday 10 September 2014

The Caravan Club The Riviera Touch Grand Tour -Switzerland

Well we left france and the beautiful campsite on tuesay. We had a final meal in the chateau that was absolutely first class. In fact everything about the site and the excursions were truly impressive.
We then drove towatds Switzerland. 70 euros on vignettes. 35 for the car and 35 for the caravan...hmmm my caravan doesnt have an engine! Motorhomes are only 35 euros! Never mind. We decided to take their motorways..well that was a joke- they only were dual carriageways but 250 miles of it.  The phone went off. I have unlimited european roaming but...switzerland is not part of the eu £1 a minute to make or receive a call! I dont think so! I am rapidly getting the flavour of whats to come! Oh the awatd for the dirtiest motorway toilets no longer belongs to France..Switzerland has won it hands down!
So we eventually arrive at a campsite called Lazy Ranch at Interlaken. As you can imagine I probably stay in excess of 50 plus campsites a year but never have I experienced this..I cant even say that I was greeted by the owner. I was instructed to disconnect my caravan from my car so that he could pitch it! I simply couldnt look. I did day that I was quite experienced and could make the thing go backwards if needs be but he insisted that he was more experienced and knew best. I walked away and let him get on with it. Yes its perfectly straight but my bed is directly under a bloody tree! Drip drip drip all night! Ig he had been a bit more sociable I would have invited him to try my bed out!
We then walked to the Interlaken railway station to collect the 3 day VIP passes for the mountain trains for the group. Yes we walked as the car parking is extremely difficult and expensive. We probably got our best view of Switzerland during that walk! 
Ever since we arrived its been low cloud and rain! Heres the best Ive got so far!
 The bloody tree!

I am led to believe that there are snow covered mountains but we ve yet to see them!

Look at the low cloud! This morning its even worse..its raining! We only have tomorrow to see the pretty places and then its Italy and Lake Garda. Come on Switzerland you really must do better-I could have stayed in Yorkshire for this!