Monday 21 October 2013

People watching part 3 camping vilanova park spain

I dont normally blog at this time of the day but things have already amused me. Here I am sitting outside my caravan in my skimpy dressing gown with a packet of Mc Cains frozen chips over my knee! Here I am calling other people?! Would I sit outside my house in the main street in my dressing gown? No! Yet for some strange reason its acceptable camping!
As I was sitting with my frozen chips on my knee Archie's mum and dad yang out the washing. They are obviously not very experienced as the novelty of handwashing hasn't worn off yet and they do it on a daily basis. A major incident occurred. The washing line broke. I was guilt of laughing out aloud. I think he thinks that he is a David Attenborough/survival type but he's even failed at that.
Late last night saw a very old little caravan pull on with Dutch plates. A guy on his own. Within minutes he was sitting outside. I was impressed at the speed in which he set up. It was only then that I realised that he had left the caravan hitched up and hadn't even bothered to put the legs down. He went inside and went to shten my dull existence! rsonally could never sleep like that.vAt least by winding a leg down I would hear someone about to abduct me in the back of the caravan,..but then again who would want to abduct me?! Lol
Now the world has gone mad. Including my husband. He has just got upvand put loud blue checked shorts on with a red striped t shirt 'novdear they dont look good together. You look like a clown!" ( normal yorkshire tact and diplomacy) 'Wheres my white t shirt then?"  Err'the airing cupboard' any experienced caravanner knows that haI meant the car! He then promptly tried to put my white Marks and Spencers size 12 t shirt on!
All this has happened before10 o'clock. The world has gone mad-now where are my frozen chips?!

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