Friday 25 October 2013

Last day of people watching! camping vilanova Park Spain

The campsite has been having difficulty with its wi fi and my leg is getting better thanks to -Mac Cains frozen chips so I have limited time for people watching.
All was revealed with the Dutch guy who didn't unhook his caravan ( though I still swear he's insane.) He never did pout a leg down on the caravan or anything. Yesterday morning I heard a car that was having its b***s revved off it. I looked over and saw the Dutchman trying to do a million turn manoeuvre with the Caravan on the back?! Why? Just unhook the blooming thing?! Eventually he was off but it was thanks to Archie's dad. I couldn't help am. why they hadn't unhooked. 'The caravans knackered. It won't come away from the car!" Hello! You've pulled it all the way from Holland and now you are going to Southern Spain.should that thing really be on the roads?! I know I sound a snob but unfortunately people like that give all caravanners a bad name.
Archives dad left this morning and its lively and quiet but I have totally changed my mind about the Dutch people opposite who I thought were nearly normal. They have been here for two weeks. They leave tomorrow and they started cleaning and packing down on Tuesday! I know that generally the Dutch are clean but if they spent as long setting up as they did putting it away -they have probably had five days holiday! Lol
We went to Sitges yesterday with Dave Watson and Anne Marie.We had all been before but what a superb place. I had broken the handle off my old trogg and needed to replace it. Dave bless him hadn't heard of one before and thought I as looking for a troll! Lol He was so impressed when I found one in rthe Chinese shop that he bought one too-all of two euros. Mind you the guys did look a bit iffy walking together along Sites seafront with their handbags! Lol
Tomorrow we have an early start to pluck Lynne and Nigel up from their cruise and it's Oeniscola here we come!

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