Thursday 10 October 2013

Caravan Club Transylvanian Tour. Camping Burgundy France

We arrived yesterday at a lovely campsite in Burgundy Le Manoir de Bezolle. I have stayed here before. It was approximately six years ago when the present English owners had just moved in. We were given a lovely welcome as we were again this time. The scenery is beautiful but like last time its very cold and wet. That certainly didn't dampen any spirits though at the lovely meal provided for us by the campsite. They did catch me out at the end of the evening though when I was nearly speechless! They presented us with a lovely card,some money and some very nice alcoholic drinks. My favourite though must be my very own personalised pinacolada! I don't know how but the butters even managed to find a picture of a car the same as mine (Ssang Yong) pulling a caravan! Today it was raining again but in the morning we visited Chateau de Bazoches near Vezelay. Absolutely beautiful and still lived in by the same descendents of Vauben ( a great military leader!) In the afternoon we visited Vezelay itself which is an extremely historic and beautiful place and then....oh no...more wine tasting in a cellar! I'm trying to have a "dry out day!" There's always tomorrow! moo Oh I nearly forgot...I spotted this sign..look you think its genuine?! Lol

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