Sunday 6 October 2013

Caravan Club Transylvanian Tour Camping Switzerland

Years ago I came to Switzerland and I didn't like it. I didn't like France either on my first visit but then fell in love with it. I hoped maybe the same would happen in Switzerland but my first judgement has proved to be right. We travelled across from Italy and got to the border. It is the first Country that I have visited that doesn't have a 'welcome to Switzerland' sign or in fact any sign to say that you are entering Switzerland but I soon found out when I was pulled over by the Duane demanding 70 euros. 'OK so what is that for?" '35 euros for your car and 35 euros for your caravan if you want to use Swiss roads!" ( I only wanted to use them not buy them!) I then enquired how long my tickets would last. The reply came that it was normally 12 months but they ran out in December! Have I really paid 70 euros to drive my car in Switzerland for a week?!! We thought it was rip off Britain! I now have so many vignettes ,tax discs etc on my window I can't see out of it! Lol On arrival at the campsite things got even worse! One price for motorhomes ( who only had to buy one vignette) and a higher price for caravans. Thank god its paid for on the Tour as I think its in excess of 50 pounds a night! The campsite is OK but certainlynot worth that! Having had a look at prices here I decided that it was worth my while driving 10 miles down the road back into Italy to find a supermarket! I dropped lucky and found a Carrefour. The car park was full of Swiss registered vehicles. The crazy thing here is Ferraris are common place as are Porches but there's nowhere to drive them-their roads are terrible! This area around Lake Lugano is a cross between Gibraltar and Monocco.Whatever they took my 70 euros for certainly wasn't or isn't being spent on maintaining roads-and don't get me going about their rude bad mannered in considerate driving standatds! This morning we went on a cruise round Lake Lugano. The weather was not with us. The boat was superb and what we could see because of low cloud was very pretty. Tomorrow we move to the Swiss/French border-I should be able to find another Carrefour! Lol

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