Saturday 19 October 2013

Camping Vilanova Park Spain

Well we are finally chilling and doing our other favourite pastime-people watching! I haven't been able to do much else as we had to put the caravan on ramps here to get it something like level. We only had a basic step that came with the new caravan and guess who has twisted the ligaments at the side of her knee cap?! Megga ouch! Needless to say we have clisosed the stable door after the horse has bolted and gone and bought a new double step. What a Muppet?! Lol Anyhow all was quiet when my entertainment arrived and worse still they have to be British! A white Mercedes van pulled up opposite. It had at some point been changed into a motorhome.Out get Mr and Mrs Muppet. They are both late 60 s and excitable or what? Pushbikes were instantly got out the van and a quick cycle round the park. He had obviously been sent by the ministry of silly hat brigade ( big floppy brims) They insisted on letting everyone know they were here disturbingveveryone saying 'hello!" I was good I wanted to say "bog off let me have my siesta' but I managed a very faint smile at him in that hat. When he got off the bike I was proved wrong.He hadn't been sent from the Ministry of silly hats at all-it was the ministry of silky walks! John Cleese eat your heart out.'ahhh well thinks me back to siesta time' if only.... He is then screeching across the campsite "Archibald come here darling!" Archibald? I was expecting to find a poor child....oh no it was his cat he talks to and takes for walks! They are totally crackers. Its the walk that gets me. He must have springs in his shoes. She isn't much better. Tits out and the huge bum will follow!I know I'm a butch but really...some people!Does he really have to put GB on his numberplate?! There must be exceptions for being such an embarrassment?! What am I going to do today whilst I am nursing my poorly leg in the sunshine? People watch...the Swedish man on his own is looking like a potential candidate...more tomorrow! Lol

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