Sunday 20 October 2013

People watching. Camping Vilanova Park Spain cont

I tell you people watching is great long as no one is blogging about me! You will all be pleased to know that Archibald -the butters cat is behavingbtoday. It was great fun yesterday when he was naughty and tried catching a magpie in the tree. I think poor old Archibald is as useless and clumsy at catching birds as his owner is at walking! 'No Archie. That's a naughty boy Archie!! 'Hello Muppet. You are talking to a cat!" The Swedish bloke continues to entertain us. Yes I can see that there are merits to motorhomes over caravans sometimes but this guy...(well he is pitched next to Archibald's dad) He arrived on his own with a small sized motorhome. Behind it he pulled a trailer. In the trailer was a full size motor bike and an electric bike?! It took him in excess of an hour to unhook/unpack everything! Am I missing something here? The guy is on his own. The motorhome is small enough to be used as car, the motorbike is a motorbike and then an electric bike and a trailer for a man camping on his own?! 'Hello you can only drive one thing at once!" This to me has to be the worst combination ever-why bother?! The Spanish came on to the campsite last night.They too amaze me. They arrived late in the afternoon and spent hours setting up only to leave today at lunchtime! I'm not talking about one or two caravans-lots if them for one night! I'm getting a bit concerned though as my leg is slowly getting better -something went 'click' and it seems a lot better but I have no new arrivals to watch at the moment-lets hope Archibald misbehaves! Lol

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