Tuesday 23 June 2015

The Caravan Club St Petersburg and the north Grand Tour 2015 Sweden beggars belief!

I always thought of Sweden as being a really advanced,sophisticated Country until I went. It's interesting to know where we get these impressions from as the reality is often quite different.  I guess that's the whole point of travelling and seeing for yourself. We had a very pleasant surprise with Finland but Sweden is so very boring and uninteresting.
We visited Gothenburg. The site was more in line with European standards but there simply want enough toilets to cope with all the campers, having to queue in a morning in my dressing gown was not a good look! That said the pitches were lovely for most of us and the kids play area was lovely ( I so wanted to play on it!

We went by luxury coach into the city. Guess what make the coach was?! Another bloody Volvo! These people are programmed to buy them else they are giving them away! Young and old alike all drive Volvo!  I know what response I would have got from my kids when they were teenagers if I suggested that they bought a Volvo!  Anyhow I have to admit that it was lovely. I had previously looked on the Internet to see what there was to do in Gothenburg  and it should have told me something when the reviews are raving about a padded boat trip, a theme park and then football stadiums. Have you ever heard of Gothenburg  Fc?! No nor had I!
We walked around trying to find some old or interesting buildings but there simply weren't any. There was a Volvo museum but that was the last place that I wanted to go so there was only one thing for it. ..shop! There were large shopping malls and lots of shops all closing down or having sales but there fashion and designs are.....different! It was a very inexpensive day. Dave loved it, the only expense was a McDonald's!  I tried to take some pics but there really wasn't a lot worth photographing.  It seemed that on just about every street corner there were beggars.  Even eating our McDonald's a woman came up to us asking for money whilst we were eating! 
In the slap bang centre there were a few benches. We decided to sit down for a while. Within seconds it would seem that every beggar in Sweden approached us. You simply can't escape them. It's as bad as morocco  and third world countries We saw plenty of security men outside shops with guns but all day we never saw a Police Officer. We simply moved and kept on moving as we didn't feel safe.
Our boat trip was booked for 4 pm.  You can guess what happened. The heavens opened. We were handed out bright yellow ponchos as padded are open topped. Actually I am pleased that it rained as we had a real laugh as the boat trip would have been boring. We were right. There still wasn't anything to see, whether from land or sea or canal for that matter

Evenue the trams looked as though they were from Soviet times. They wouldn't have looked amiss in a museum. This is me trying to take a pic that flatters Gothenburg! 

Oh the red and white building is known as "the lipstick" (I can't think why?!) But wait for it. .Some Brit designed it! Probably painted red to liven up a very dull country!

Look at these muppets looking like ducks! Determination or what?!
So yesterday we drove back to Denmark (phew!) Most people had decided to use the bridge but at last minute we decided to catch the ferry from Hellsingborg and what a treat that was. We hadn't booked anything. We literally just drove on. Time enough to visit the duty free, but not even time to drink my coffee! 20 minutes and we were back in civilisation at Denmark! A different world! Lovely. A great campsite, lovely scenery and all together a cleaner,safer and nicer place. Quaint. Shame about the weather but that's been the thing about this Tour but there again...going north really maybe was a bit of a clue  venue in June! Tonight is our farewell meal. It's been great overall. Totally new places and different experiences. I'm pleased I've been!

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