Monday 15 June 2015

The Caravan Club St Petersburg and the North Grand Tour. Sweden

We arrived safely from the gorgeous City of Helsinki on the beautiful ferry the" Serene" What a treat that is. The food,the shops, the comfort. Amazing. I think I can safely say the best ferry that I have ever been on. The only downside to it is that it brought us back again to..Sweden! Not only was it raining but the roads are poor and the whole place just seems dull and boring-no wonder they tried to make an ABBA museum-well you can't make a museum on trees and bloody Volvo can you?!
So we arrived on a campsite,supposedly one of the best in Sweden. Yes we overlook a lake and are in walking distance ( providing you have long legs!) of Orebro.  Our initial thoughts were that it was quite pretty.Lovely toilet blocks and free showers but then.....We are next to a busy road and a train track with goods wagons going by 24/7! It hasn't got dark during the night ime since Denmark, what we would give for a nights sleep! We are all freezing. I have taken to wearing two coats. The temperature may say 19 but it's the constant cold wind. It was funny particularly in Russia when they accused us of bringing the sun and they thought they were having a heatwave. We were again wearing 2 coats! They are a different breed of human! Even here my central heating in the caravan is on full blast,venturing out only to go for essentials and the Swedes are in tents and pic nicking out on the barbecue areas! Are they mad?! It's not just me accustomed to Spain. We have all been buying winter clothes.
Last night I decided to check that this was one of the best sites in Sweden by reading the "caravan europe" handbook. We had tears rolling down our faces and judging by what members had written we should be grateful that we are here! One member had written about a campsite that there were lots of itinerant,  not enough water points and that it gets very muddy and units get stuck but it's ok because the campsite has a tractor! Is this really a civilised country? Is this really part of Europe?  I am beginning to think that this Countries campsites are having a competition with Romania-but at least theirs were cheap!
So tomorrow  on to something else new. Norway.I am looking forward to it but dreading the prices. We have all started drinking heavily as Norway is not part of EU and we can only take very limited amounts of alcohol in with us. I have been warned that after today I will be turning tee total when I see the prices. Oslo. I have no idea what I'm going to see there but it's somewhere different. After that it's back into Sweden (I can't wait!) and then the finishing post at Denmark where we started. That will be the end of the Tour for us but we still have to drive across Germany and Holland and then P and O north sea ferries,  another yuk! But then Hull (is that another yuk?!) At least it will make Hull feel warm and there's family there. So far it's been a great experience with some great people.I do genuinely love travelling and exploring. Some of it has been a real eye opener or do the educated say "broadening my horizons? ! Not sure but it's certainly been fun!

Do I need to put titles? The top 2 are of Helsinki

Camping in a field Sweden!
P. S I don't think I will get a job with the Swedish Tourist Office anytime soon!

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