Monday 22 June 2015

The Caravan Club St Petersburg and the North Grand Tour 2015 Norway and Sweden

I quite liked Norway though it was very primitive in the camping respect. What really got us was an extra 15 kronor for a 6 minute shower. That's over a pound! Needless to say we didn't use them out of principle. I did use the one in the caravan you will be pleased to know! Oh even the toilet paper..remember the stuff you had at school Italian was it?! It certainly wasn't Andrex! I've also decidea that the Scandinavians are a different breed of human. It was blooming freezing. Yes the sun was out at times but we all kept our coats on. They were running around in bikinis, sunbathing and in the lake,Fjord or whatever it was !

Not even clean!

Pretty from a distance!
We decided to go and see the famous ski jump. Apparantly it's the biggest in the world. Dave scored with one of the locals

There again maybe I wasn't looking so hot!

The locals were friendly though!

Views of Oslo from the ski slope.

Some random Fjord.  Now my understanding of a Fjord is a water inlet from the sea. As there was so much similarity between this and my homeland should the River Humber now be called the Humber Fjord?! Somehow I thought not!

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