Friday 12 June 2015

The Caravan Club St Petersburg and the North Grand Tour 2015 The other side of Russia

I haven't blogged on the go as there really was a strange and uneasy feeling around our visit. The haves and the have not.  One incident really upset me and the boys faces will stay with me forever. I will start at the beginning. We were on a luxury high speed train from Helsinki into St Petersburg. Really flash, travelling at 200 kmph. You know you are entering Russia when the scenery changes drastically from open fields and villages to
and I didn't manage to snap the security Towers! This was also at the time of our Russian Visa checks. Certainly no sign or smile saying "welcome to Russia!"
One day we visited the famous fortress and saw the opulence of where the Czars were buried. It was vulgar in the extreme,yet beautiful. 

These were truly creating an impression for the Tourist. The truth of the matter is that reality is totally different. Having been at a 4 star hotel that ran out of food,milk and beer you do begin to wonder.
One afternoon we decided to treat ourselves to a boat trip. The waterways had been designed by Peter the Great to copy Venice. It was more like Amsterdam meets the River Humber! Did anyone tell Peter the Great that it's bloody cold in Russia and another fact that he's not on the Med and doesnt lovely clear water?! Hey Ho off we go. Duck! There's a bridge coming! Health and safety "what's that?!
Please don't let there be a tidal wave!

Anyhow, whilst managing to hang on to our heads we were suddenly aware that at each bridge we went under there were the same 2 lovely boys waving to us

Some bridges were as much as a mile apart and still they appeared enthusiastically waving at us. On occasions  we watched them running along the embankment to catch up or beat our boat. This amused us all greatly ( sad and easily pleased I know!). It wasn't until I started speaking to a local lady about this that she said "It's sad. They don't stand a chance. They are orphans, probably. The state looks after them until they are 14. They are supposed to give them and apartment but they never get one  they are left to fend for themselves. Orphans here don't stand a chance"  Omg those lovely boys. The lady had no ulterior reason to tell me this that I can think of or was apparant.
We got off the boat and I could see the boys some distance away. They weren't begging or causing a nuisance. I shouted to them and asked them if they were the boys from the bridges and they confirmed that they were They were so young and smiling...I know a big softie.... I got the equivalent of 10 pounds from my pocket and handed it to the smaller boy as I said " thank you" . He hugged me and kept saying "thank you". I don't normally give to beggars and the like but honestly the more I have thought about it,  the more I wish that I had given them 100 pounds! What entrepreneurs. They aren't being a nuisance. They are providing entertainment and keeping themselves fit. They could be pick pocketing or stealing but no...I admire these boys. I wonder what will happen to them in life. They deserve to do well. I can't help but think that this was just a little glimpse of the real Russia. If ever you go there please donate to my lovely "bridge boys!"

Oh yes just selling one of these paintings would feed them and the rest of the orphans for the rest of their lives instead of being on display for the over wealthy tourists. What a sick world we live in.
Well you will be pleased to know that I'm off my soapbox now. Most people have gone into Helsinki but we have had a chill out day or rather mucking out day. We get the super ferry back to Stockholm that is overnight. I'm actually looking forward to it, it's so lovely. We then drive just over 100 miles to the next site in the middle of Sweden. I wonder if my impression of the Country improves any?! After that it's Norway, Back into Sweden and then Denmark and a mad dash alone back to the UK as the Tour finishes in Denmark. I can't wait to bask in the British sunshine it's so BrRrer here!

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