Thursday 11 June 2015

The Caravan Club St Petersburg and the North Grand Tour 2015 Russia!

Wow. We made it for the train at Helsinki. It was a lovely roomy and new train that had wifi on it, a buffet car etc etc. All very modern. You could hardly hear or feel the thing move. As we approached the Finnish border the police came on and checked our passports and some other official came on and checked our tickets. They were friendly enough and all was fine.
Our train came to a halt shortly afterwards and the engine that had been pulling us disappeared and another one took over. I don't know who the officials were but it was obvious that we were in Russia as suddenly there was barbed wire outside the windows!  The officials were just as you probably expect. Devoid of and facial expressions and certainly no English. We had to look and stare at them as they compared us to our passport photos. If I really look like that heaven help me! We all were allowed to continue. We reached St Petersburg train station and a lovely young girl was standing waiting for us. She promptly took us to our coach and on to our hotel The PetroPalace Palace. The hotel was rated as 4 star. Some went out straight away whilst we just had a walk and back for our evening meal at the hotel. Disaster! There was a buffet. There wasn't enough food for 40 people! I had to ask for "more" as some hadn't eaten. I felt like "Oliver!" I was told by the restaurant staff that it was impossible to have more. I complained to the hotel manager who was sympathetic but said they couldn't do anything as they didn't have anymore food, so  off they went to a local restaurant. The hotel itself is fine and is probably nearly 4 star to us but running out of food?! Lol
The next morning it was to breakfast which in fairness was a lot better but what the he'll we ate I don't know! I did recognise something that resembled cornflakes and toast but as for the rest?! Even the eggs on offer were the most insipid yellow yolks that I have ever seen. Hey Ho we came to ex peri encephalitis something  different.
The bus arrived with our lovely English speaking guide and off to the Peter and Paul fortress. This was fantastic except for the Japanese/Chinese cruise ship walkers who were there in full force with their bloody self ie sticks! Where I wanted to shove those self ie sticks is impossible to print. All I can say is that I wished that I had steel toed capped shoes on! Ignorant and rude as ever. It was just organised chaos particularly when we got to the Hermitage. It was so bad that many of our group left early feeling totally harassed and stressed out. Trying to find the exits was near on impossible. Heaven help us had there been a fire! Whilst it was interesting it really showed that there was only one way to visit St Petersburg ,in an organised group. An individual would have stood no chance at all of even getting in!
I was dreading the evening meal again in the hotel,but that was unfounded as there was enough food. Basic but enough but then.....There was no milk for coffee!  I asked for more and told that there wasn't anymore milk in St Petersburg! Once again I  took the complaint to the Manager but it was too late as most people had given up waiting!
We had a quiet night in the hotel.  One really good thing is that the food may have been poor or non existent but the bed was comfy and the black out curtains superb after all the white nights  and not being able to sleep! We also did a superb boat trip that was very much like being in Amsterdam but oh so cold!
Yesterday we went to the Peterhof. What an impressive place. Definitely better organised than the Hermitage. The self ie stick/cruise ship brigade were out in extra full force and on top form when it came to ignorance! One of our group who is elderly was feeling unwell when we got to the first floor. I can tell you that there was no one first aid trained, no exit signs marked etc and sympathy or compassion was zero rated! We suspected that our participant maybe having heart problems (nothing serious then!). Fortunately one of our group came forward who was a retired doctor! All he needed to do was sit down and relax ( not the dr-the patient!) Was he allowed to sit down?! Oh no. I had to run, no fight through all the self ie stick brigade to get a wheelchair. Was that straightforward? Oh no. Leave my passport as security on a bloody wheelchair! Well there was one good thing out of this apart from our participant being on is that there are a lot of the self ie stick brigade who have sore shins this morning. I was running through with the wheelchair shouting "excuse me please! " and they looked at me as though I was mad. As I was in such a hurry in the end I just rammed them with the wheelchair!  I got through but then how do I get the heavy wheelchair on to the first floor? No lifts! I struggled like he'll with all the attendants looking on and so called "men" . Eventually when I was half way up and by this time totally cream crackered a female attendant did come and help me up the final 100 steps or so! Fortunately the participant was on and it was out into the gardens to see the water fountains that really were a wow and gave us a well earned rest.
To say that the palace and it's gardens were opulent,  if not vulgar would be the understatement. Travelling through the suburbs and all the terrible housing you could really see why there had been a revolution Things may have changed slightly but still the peasants queue to line up to pay and see it!
We finished earlier and we went for a walk around to the Cathedral of Spilled Blood etc and then back for the evening meal. There was adequate food but when it came to the milk! Same story so down to the bar we go.....The bar had ran out of beer! I do suppose that it could be partly because of the import  restrictions but then again this is Russia!

And this is where the real people live. Miles and miles of appartments

A campsite-apparantly the only one!

This is where Put in stays when visiting St Petersburg.
All in all its been an interesting visit. What a cold place. Only 45 days of sunshine a year and it's still cold. I'm really pleased that I have been but I can't help but wonder what the real Russia is really like? Quite different from what we have seen. It's one of those places. I have enjoyed it. I'm pleased that I came but would I come back? No! I'm looking forward to Helsinki this afternoon!

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