Tuesday 16 June 2015

The Caravan Club St Petersburg and the North Grand Tour 2015 Goodbye Sweden!

I decided to try and like Sweden yesterday but it can't help itself. It's a Country I just don't "get!" The local city of Orebro was apparantly worth a visit and there was aN outdoor art exhibition on. Parking in the City was reliably easy. We wrapped up well (yes it is June! ) and off we went..

Yes your eyes aren't deceiving you-the town hall is decorated with ladies tights!

Hmm I always wondered what SOC O did with their old forensic suits!
I'm no art expert but this did absolutely nothing for me but this did..

I couldn't afford to buy them but at least they are a bit more useful!
So that was the art exhibition. Back to the caravan,. Let's make a meal. .....electricity? No! Is this really Sweden in the 21st century? Apparantly the entire City was out. After about half an hour it came back on again. I try hard not to compare it but Finland and Helsinki were so on the ball. It even had free wi fi fir everyone in the city!We were awoken at 5.30 by the rush hour of goods trains. I think I know their timetable better than they do now!  Hey Ho. 
So today it's off to Norway. Can it be as bad as Sweden?! No! The only trouble is that we have about 240 miles to do and at best the motorways are only dual carriageways. It could be a very long day! Oslo sounds exciting but there again so did Sweden! Open mind and all that. Pray for a miracle please. We are travelling north west and I can't do much more cold.....perhaps I should go to the town hall and ask if I could borrow some tights?!

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