Tuesday 23 June 2015

The Caravan Club St Petersburg and the north Grand Tour 2015 Sweden beggars belief!

I always thought of Sweden as being a really advanced,sophisticated Country until I went. It's interesting to know where we get these impressions from as the reality is often quite different.  I guess that's the whole point of travelling and seeing for yourself. We had a very pleasant surprise with Finland but Sweden is so very boring and uninteresting.
We visited Gothenburg. The site was more in line with European standards but there simply want enough toilets to cope with all the campers, having to queue in a morning in my dressing gown was not a good look! That said the pitches were lovely for most of us and the kids play area was lovely ( I so wanted to play on it!

We went by luxury coach into the city. Guess what make the coach was?! Another bloody Volvo! These people are programmed to buy them else they are giving them away! Young and old alike all drive Volvo!  I know what response I would have got from my kids when they were teenagers if I suggested that they bought a Volvo!  Anyhow I have to admit that it was lovely. I had previously looked on the Internet to see what there was to do in Gothenburg  and it should have told me something when the reviews are raving about a padded boat trip, a theme park and then football stadiums. Have you ever heard of Gothenburg  Fc?! No nor had I!
We walked around trying to find some old or interesting buildings but there simply weren't any. There was a Volvo museum but that was the last place that I wanted to go so there was only one thing for it. ..shop! There were large shopping malls and lots of shops all closing down or having sales but there fashion and designs are.....different! It was a very inexpensive day. Dave loved it, the only expense was a McDonald's!  I tried to take some pics but there really wasn't a lot worth photographing.  It seemed that on just about every street corner there were beggars.  Even eating our McDonald's a woman came up to us asking for money whilst we were eating! 
In the slap bang centre there were a few benches. We decided to sit down for a while. Within seconds it would seem that every beggar in Sweden approached us. You simply can't escape them. It's as bad as morocco  and third world countries We saw plenty of security men outside shops with guns but all day we never saw a Police Officer. We simply moved and kept on moving as we didn't feel safe.
Our boat trip was booked for 4 pm.  You can guess what happened. The heavens opened. We were handed out bright yellow ponchos as padded are open topped. Actually I am pleased that it rained as we had a real laugh as the boat trip would have been boring. We were right. There still wasn't anything to see, whether from land or sea or canal for that matter

Evenue the trams looked as though they were from Soviet times. They wouldn't have looked amiss in a museum. This is me trying to take a pic that flatters Gothenburg! 

Oh the red and white building is known as "the lipstick" (I can't think why?!) But wait for it. .Some Brit designed it! Probably painted red to liven up a very dull country!

Look at these muppets looking like ducks! Determination or what?!
So yesterday we drove back to Denmark (phew!) Most people had decided to use the bridge but at last minute we decided to catch the ferry from Hellsingborg and what a treat that was. We hadn't booked anything. We literally just drove on. Time enough to visit the duty free, but not even time to drink my coffee! 20 minutes and we were back in civilisation at Denmark! A different world! Lovely. A great campsite, lovely scenery and all together a cleaner,safer and nicer place. Quaint. Shame about the weather but that's been the thing about this Tour but there again...going north really maybe was a bit of a clue  venue in June! Tonight is our farewell meal. It's been great overall. Totally new places and different experiences. I'm pleased I've been!

Monday 22 June 2015

The Caravan Club St Petersburg and the North Grand Tour 2015 Norway and Sweden

I quite liked Norway though it was very primitive in the camping respect. What really got us was an extra 15 kronor for a 6 minute shower. That's over a pound! Needless to say we didn't use them out of principle. I did use the one in the caravan you will be pleased to know! Oh even the toilet paper..remember the stuff you had at school Italian was it?! It certainly wasn't Andrex! I've also decidea that the Scandinavians are a different breed of human. It was blooming freezing. Yes the sun was out at times but we all kept our coats on. They were running around in bikinis, sunbathing and in the lake,Fjord or whatever it was !

Not even clean!

Pretty from a distance!
We decided to go and see the famous ski jump. Apparantly it's the biggest in the world. Dave scored with one of the locals

There again maybe I wasn't looking so hot!

The locals were friendly though!

Views of Oslo from the ski slope.

Some random Fjord.  Now my understanding of a Fjord is a water inlet from the sea. As there was so much similarity between this and my homeland should the River Humber now be called the Humber Fjord?! Somehow I thought not!

Saturday 20 June 2015

The Caravan Club St Petersburg and the North Grand Tour 2015 Norway

Well Im pushing my luck this morning by hoping that I can blog Its all thanks to my wifi booster that for the past year or so has been worth its weight in gold. I cant believe how backward these Scandanavian Countres are in many respects.As for camping they definately have the worst campsites. In fairness its probably because their season is so short, about two months that its not worth spending money on their infrustructure. Hardstanding? Whats that? Paying for showers? Now that one really gets me. Its just over one pound for 6 minutes They say its that it makes us more enviromentally friendly! What a load of tosh! I fill our barrels up with water, heat it using their electricity and thats more eco friendly?! Soryy but I dont go dirty for anyone! Oh and generally there is one toilet block that is miles away from where you are camping which is hope;ess in the rain, and they seem to get plenty of it. Maybe its tha other alternative here of a free shower!
Sowe left Orebro in Sweden and travelled to Norway. The roads at best were slow You were fortunate if the motorway was a dual carriageway. Quite often it was single carriageway. There isnt a lot of traffic on them but then they allow these massive lorries pulling massive trailers, making them double length jugganaughts and people complain of caravans in the UK! Hey all that said at least we all got here safely Well it took us 5 hours to do 211 miles. One of our particiapants it took 12 hours! Yes they did get lost on a memtous scale It just showws the value of sat navs. How the hell they got this far without one is beyond me.I cerainly couldnt hae got out of Yorkshire!
Well Norway. Much, much prettier and nicer than Sweden. When you travel along the roads in Sweden there are no crops in the fields, no livestock, no hills...just trees and they are all the same type and bloody Volvos! Immediately you cross over the border the difference is apparant. It seems cleaner. Hills start to appear. Lovely houses. Chocolate box stuff The difference is almost immediately apparent and that was in the pouring rain! We are definately back in the 21st century Electronic toll booths. We dont quite know how we pay though! We have been told that a bill will land at our UK address> Well I wont lose sleep over that! Our car number was taken by cameras at various points along the way but there was no card machine or man to pay! Hey ho.
We had to skirt around Oslo and the traffic was busy. We made it to the campsite which to say the least is basic and definately not up to european standards. One toilet block and its a good 300 metres away over a field! Great when the grass is long and uneven in the rain..oh how I wish I had brought my wellies!
One very good thing is the public transport system. We had been provided with a 72hour Oslo pass. The bus stops right outside the campsite and within 20 minutes you are in the centre of Oslo. We did it yesterday. As we got off the bus we saw a boat about to leave. I wasnt sure where it went to but like idiots we ran to catch it as I was sure that I had read somewhere that all public transport including boats was free. We made it in time and then had to ask "where are we going to?!" Great fun and good laughs at our expense as the other travellers were so boring and organised and had worked out just what they wanted to see. To us anything was going to be a suprise! It was really pleasant. We went arpund the holocaust museum but it was manily in blooming norwegian so we only understood bits. They had an equivalent to Anne Franks but dont ask me what her name was now-/Ive slept! We had a nice walk around and we caught the very efficient boat back to the centre of Oslo in between persistent showers. A lovely place to visit but definately geared up for the tourist but a distinct lack of Japanese tourists-maybe it was too cold for them or maybe there werent any selfie sticks for sale!

I really enjoyed Oslo. So much so I forgot to take pics! The sun is shining today. Many have gone back in to Oslo again. I think we are going to have a leisurely day and plan for tomorrow, back into...grrrrr blooming Sweden! Why oh why is that Country stuck in the middle of where I want to be?! Maybe I will change my mind but it will really have to go some! 

Tuesday 16 June 2015

The Caravan Club St Petersburg and the North Grand Tour 2015 Goodbye Sweden!

I decided to try and like Sweden yesterday but it can't help itself. It's a Country I just don't "get!" The local city of Orebro was apparantly worth a visit and there was aN outdoor art exhibition on. Parking in the City was reliably easy. We wrapped up well (yes it is June! ) and off we went..

Yes your eyes aren't deceiving you-the town hall is decorated with ladies tights!

Hmm I always wondered what SOC O did with their old forensic suits!
I'm no art expert but this did absolutely nothing for me but this did..

I couldn't afford to buy them but at least they are a bit more useful!
So that was the art exhibition. Back to the caravan,. Let's make a meal. .....electricity? No! Is this really Sweden in the 21st century? Apparantly the entire City was out. After about half an hour it came back on again. I try hard not to compare it but Finland and Helsinki were so on the ball. It even had free wi fi fir everyone in the city!We were awoken at 5.30 by the rush hour of goods trains. I think I know their timetable better than they do now!  Hey Ho. 
So today it's off to Norway. Can it be as bad as Sweden?! No! The only trouble is that we have about 240 miles to do and at best the motorways are only dual carriageways. It could be a very long day! Oslo sounds exciting but there again so did Sweden! Open mind and all that. Pray for a miracle please. We are travelling north west and I can't do much more cold.....perhaps I should go to the town hall and ask if I could borrow some tights?!

Monday 15 June 2015

The Caravan Club St Petersburg and the North Grand Tour. Sweden

We arrived safely from the gorgeous City of Helsinki on the beautiful ferry the" Serene" What a treat that is. The food,the shops, the comfort. Amazing. I think I can safely say the best ferry that I have ever been on. The only downside to it is that it brought us back again to..Sweden! Not only was it raining but the roads are poor and the whole place just seems dull and boring-no wonder they tried to make an ABBA museum-well you can't make a museum on trees and bloody Volvo can you?!
So we arrived on a campsite,supposedly one of the best in Sweden. Yes we overlook a lake and are in walking distance ( providing you have long legs!) of Orebro.  Our initial thoughts were that it was quite pretty.Lovely toilet blocks and free showers but then.....We are next to a busy road and a train track with goods wagons going by 24/7! It hasn't got dark during the night ime since Denmark, what we would give for a nights sleep! We are all freezing. I have taken to wearing two coats. The temperature may say 19 but it's the constant cold wind. It was funny particularly in Russia when they accused us of bringing the sun and they thought they were having a heatwave. We were again wearing 2 coats! They are a different breed of human! Even here my central heating in the caravan is on full blast,venturing out only to go for essentials and the Swedes are in tents and pic nicking out on the barbecue areas! Are they mad?! It's not just me accustomed to Spain. We have all been buying winter clothes.
Last night I decided to check that this was one of the best sites in Sweden by reading the "caravan europe" handbook. We had tears rolling down our faces and judging by what members had written we should be grateful that we are here! One member had written about a campsite that there were lots of itinerant,  not enough water points and that it gets very muddy and units get stuck but it's ok because the campsite has a tractor! Is this really a civilised country? Is this really part of Europe?  I am beginning to think that this Countries campsites are having a competition with Romania-but at least theirs were cheap!
So tomorrow  on to something else new. Norway.I am looking forward to it but dreading the prices. We have all started drinking heavily as Norway is not part of EU and we can only take very limited amounts of alcohol in with us. I have been warned that after today I will be turning tee total when I see the prices. Oslo. I have no idea what I'm going to see there but it's somewhere different. After that it's back into Sweden (I can't wait!) and then the finishing post at Denmark where we started. That will be the end of the Tour for us but we still have to drive across Germany and Holland and then P and O north sea ferries,  another yuk! But then Hull (is that another yuk?!) At least it will make Hull feel warm and there's family there. So far it's been a great experience with some great people.I do genuinely love travelling and exploring. Some of it has been a real eye opener or do the educated say "broadening my horizons? ! Not sure but it's certainly been fun!

Do I need to put titles? The top 2 are of Helsinki

Camping in a field Sweden!
P. S I don't think I will get a job with the Swedish Tourist Office anytime soon!


Friday 12 June 2015

The Caravan Club St Petersburg and the North Grand Tour 2015 The other side of Russia

I haven't blogged on the go as there really was a strange and uneasy feeling around our visit. The haves and the have not.  One incident really upset me and the boys faces will stay with me forever. I will start at the beginning. We were on a luxury high speed train from Helsinki into St Petersburg. Really flash, travelling at 200 kmph. You know you are entering Russia when the scenery changes drastically from open fields and villages to
and I didn't manage to snap the security Towers! This was also at the time of our Russian Visa checks. Certainly no sign or smile saying "welcome to Russia!"
One day we visited the famous fortress and saw the opulence of where the Czars were buried. It was vulgar in the extreme,yet beautiful. 

These were truly creating an impression for the Tourist. The truth of the matter is that reality is totally different. Having been at a 4 star hotel that ran out of food,milk and beer you do begin to wonder.
One afternoon we decided to treat ourselves to a boat trip. The waterways had been designed by Peter the Great to copy Venice. It was more like Amsterdam meets the River Humber! Did anyone tell Peter the Great that it's bloody cold in Russia and another fact that he's not on the Med and doesnt lovely clear water?! Hey Ho off we go. Duck! There's a bridge coming! Health and safety "what's that?!
Please don't let there be a tidal wave!

Anyhow, whilst managing to hang on to our heads we were suddenly aware that at each bridge we went under there were the same 2 lovely boys waving to us

Some bridges were as much as a mile apart and still they appeared enthusiastically waving at us. On occasions  we watched them running along the embankment to catch up or beat our boat. This amused us all greatly ( sad and easily pleased I know!). It wasn't until I started speaking to a local lady about this that she said "It's sad. They don't stand a chance. They are orphans, probably. The state looks after them until they are 14. They are supposed to give them and apartment but they never get one  they are left to fend for themselves. Orphans here don't stand a chance"  Omg those lovely boys. The lady had no ulterior reason to tell me this that I can think of or was apparant.
We got off the boat and I could see the boys some distance away. They weren't begging or causing a nuisance. I shouted to them and asked them if they were the boys from the bridges and they confirmed that they were They were so young and smiling...I know a big softie.... I got the equivalent of 10 pounds from my pocket and handed it to the smaller boy as I said " thank you" . He hugged me and kept saying "thank you". I don't normally give to beggars and the like but honestly the more I have thought about it,  the more I wish that I had given them 100 pounds! What entrepreneurs. They aren't being a nuisance. They are providing entertainment and keeping themselves fit. They could be pick pocketing or stealing but no...I admire these boys. I wonder what will happen to them in life. They deserve to do well. I can't help but think that this was just a little glimpse of the real Russia. If ever you go there please donate to my lovely "bridge boys!"

Oh yes just selling one of these paintings would feed them and the rest of the orphans for the rest of their lives instead of being on display for the over wealthy tourists. What a sick world we live in.
Well you will be pleased to know that I'm off my soapbox now. Most people have gone into Helsinki but we have had a chill out day or rather mucking out day. We get the super ferry back to Stockholm that is overnight. I'm actually looking forward to it, it's so lovely. We then drive just over 100 miles to the next site in the middle of Sweden. I wonder if my impression of the Country improves any?! After that it's Norway, Back into Sweden and then Denmark and a mad dash alone back to the UK as the Tour finishes in Denmark. I can't wait to bask in the British sunshine it's so BrRrer here!

Thursday 11 June 2015

The Caravan Club St Petersburg and the North Grand Tour 2015 Russia!

Wow. We made it for the train at Helsinki. It was a lovely roomy and new train that had wifi on it, a buffet car etc etc. All very modern. You could hardly hear or feel the thing move. As we approached the Finnish border the police came on and checked our passports and some other official came on and checked our tickets. They were friendly enough and all was fine.
Our train came to a halt shortly afterwards and the engine that had been pulling us disappeared and another one took over. I don't know who the officials were but it was obvious that we were in Russia as suddenly there was barbed wire outside the windows!  The officials were just as you probably expect. Devoid of and facial expressions and certainly no English. We had to look and stare at them as they compared us to our passport photos. If I really look like that heaven help me! We all were allowed to continue. We reached St Petersburg train station and a lovely young girl was standing waiting for us. She promptly took us to our coach and on to our hotel The PetroPalace Palace. The hotel was rated as 4 star. Some went out straight away whilst we just had a walk and back for our evening meal at the hotel. Disaster! There was a buffet. There wasn't enough food for 40 people! I had to ask for "more" as some hadn't eaten. I felt like "Oliver!" I was told by the restaurant staff that it was impossible to have more. I complained to the hotel manager who was sympathetic but said they couldn't do anything as they didn't have anymore food, so  off they went to a local restaurant. The hotel itself is fine and is probably nearly 4 star to us but running out of food?! Lol
The next morning it was to breakfast which in fairness was a lot better but what the he'll we ate I don't know! I did recognise something that resembled cornflakes and toast but as for the rest?! Even the eggs on offer were the most insipid yellow yolks that I have ever seen. Hey Ho we came to ex peri encephalitis something  different.
The bus arrived with our lovely English speaking guide and off to the Peter and Paul fortress. This was fantastic except for the Japanese/Chinese cruise ship walkers who were there in full force with their bloody self ie sticks! Where I wanted to shove those self ie sticks is impossible to print. All I can say is that I wished that I had steel toed capped shoes on! Ignorant and rude as ever. It was just organised chaos particularly when we got to the Hermitage. It was so bad that many of our group left early feeling totally harassed and stressed out. Trying to find the exits was near on impossible. Heaven help us had there been a fire! Whilst it was interesting it really showed that there was only one way to visit St Petersburg ,in an organised group. An individual would have stood no chance at all of even getting in!
I was dreading the evening meal again in the hotel,but that was unfounded as there was enough food. Basic but enough but then.....There was no milk for coffee!  I asked for more and told that there wasn't anymore milk in St Petersburg! Once again I  took the complaint to the Manager but it was too late as most people had given up waiting!
We had a quiet night in the hotel.  One really good thing is that the food may have been poor or non existent but the bed was comfy and the black out curtains superb after all the white nights  and not being able to sleep! We also did a superb boat trip that was very much like being in Amsterdam but oh so cold!
Yesterday we went to the Peterhof. What an impressive place. Definitely better organised than the Hermitage. The self ie stick/cruise ship brigade were out in extra full force and on top form when it came to ignorance! One of our group who is elderly was feeling unwell when we got to the first floor. I can tell you that there was no one first aid trained, no exit signs marked etc and sympathy or compassion was zero rated! We suspected that our participant maybe having heart problems (nothing serious then!). Fortunately one of our group came forward who was a retired doctor! All he needed to do was sit down and relax ( not the dr-the patient!) Was he allowed to sit down?! Oh no. I had to run, no fight through all the self ie stick brigade to get a wheelchair. Was that straightforward? Oh no. Leave my passport as security on a bloody wheelchair! Well there was one good thing out of this apart from our participant being on is that there are a lot of the self ie stick brigade who have sore shins this morning. I was running through with the wheelchair shouting "excuse me please! " and they looked at me as though I was mad. As I was in such a hurry in the end I just rammed them with the wheelchair!  I got through but then how do I get the heavy wheelchair on to the first floor? No lifts! I struggled like he'll with all the attendants looking on and so called "men" . Eventually when I was half way up and by this time totally cream crackered a female attendant did come and help me up the final 100 steps or so! Fortunately the participant was on and it was out into the gardens to see the water fountains that really were a wow and gave us a well earned rest.
To say that the palace and it's gardens were opulent,  if not vulgar would be the understatement. Travelling through the suburbs and all the terrible housing you could really see why there had been a revolution Things may have changed slightly but still the peasants queue to line up to pay and see it!
We finished earlier and we went for a walk around to the Cathedral of Spilled Blood etc and then back for the evening meal. There was adequate food but when it came to the coffee...no milk! Same story so down to the bar we go.....The bar had ran out of beer! I do suppose that it could be partly because of the import  restrictions but then again this is Russia!

And this is where the real people live. Miles and miles of appartments

A campsite-apparantly the only one!

This is where Put in stays when visiting St Petersburg.
All in all its been an interesting visit. What a cold place. Only 45 days of sunshine a year and it's still cold. I'm really pleased that I have been but I can't help but wonder what the real Russia is really like? Quite different from what we have seen. It's one of those places. I have enjoyed it. I'm pleased that I came but would I come back? No! I'm looking forward to Helsinki this afternoon!
