Saturday 28 September 2013

caravan club Transylvanian Tour Camping Slovenia

We had a lovely drive from Hungary but it was totally crazy. The scenery was so pretty and the roads very good. Suddenly we found ourselves at the Croatian border. Another two hours later we were in Slovenia! How crazy is that? Breakfast in Hungary, lunch in Croatia and dinner in Slovenia! As we came into Slovenia the weather was lovely but that soon changed! Must grumble except for the odd shower. We are staying at the most amazing campsite Terme Catez. To call it a camp site is a total injustice. It is a themed water park. Its great now but I wonder what it would be like in high season. Yesterday we visited the capital of Slovenia ...oh how do you spell it?... Ljubljana ( I kept calling it Lovely Jubbly as that's what it sounds like to my uneducated northern ears! It was very small,old and quaint and our visit included a boat trip. Things here generally are very expensive so we found ourselves in Mc Donalds for lunch! Lol The history of this place seems somewhat confused and they can't decide whether they are Venicians, Czechs or Austrians! They are certainly different and then throw in the Russian/Communist influences?! Great experience though. Bled tomorrow-just please bring out the sunshine! But this trip proved too exciting for some! Lol

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