Friday 13 September 2013

caravan club Transylvanian Tour Camping Vienna Austria

This place was not what we expected. Maybe we had been spoilt by Prague. We went on a Coach and had a gipuided tour around Vienna. The City was large and spacious and had excellent public transport but the Austrians?! I'm sorry if they smiled I think they believed their faces would crack! Unlike the Czech people who were all warm and welcoming from the people who worked at the petrol stations to general people in the street. I simply could not say the same about Vienna. Maybe I had a cultured and romantic view of the place but I was certainly disappointed. We visited some mad eco house and saw were Strauss lived etc. The day after we visited Schonbrunn Palace which was err.... A rip off! Yes very pretty. 4 euros plus for a cup of coffee and not a lot else! Oh Marie Antoinette once lived there! Lol The campsite was pretty average but even the receptionists were unhelpful "please can you tell me where the nearest ATM is please/?" Answer "no!" I know she was being honest but "hello I'm a customer!" She has won hands down in the award for the most unhelpful receptionist EVER! I can't wait to get t o Hungary

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