Saturday 30 May 2015

The Caravan Club St Petersburg and the North Grand Tour 2015 Denmark

We all met at Camping Holbaek Fjord on Friday and went for a lovely meal at the nearby marina. Unfortunately one of our rigs was involved in an accident and so was rather late. He has written his car off but he did find the Danish good s marital that brought his caravan to the campsite for me to set up for them. He was just a wonderful Danish man who spoke fluent English.  We were just minus a car!
Yesterday we went by coach to Copenhagen. The weather has been awful and the roadworks around Copenhagen a total nightmare. We had a super guide, Han's who was an extremely sprightly 75 year old! He actually remembers the British liberating the City at the end of the War. He still describes it as "still the best day if my life". He was a young boy at the time and has always been eternally grateful to  the Brits. The afternoon was spent shopping. Not a lot was bought as everything was so expensive. I found my way to a fLea market or an antiques fair if you want to pretend to be posh and amidst all the Copenhagen Pottery glared at me some Royal Dolton.  Really old and beautiful. He wanted 135 euros for it. What?! He then asked me if I knew Tim Woodcott.  I said "What from the TV?" He smiled. He took it that I did know him and said to me  "make me an offer!". I went in at 50 euros and finished at 60! I didn't lie, just some bits were lost in translation! I bought it really for my mum's birthday so you are sworn to secrecy. I researched it on the Internet and it's worth about 450 pounds and was made exactly the same year my mother was born! There's only me that would come all the way to Copenhagen and buy English China!
This morning we took our participant who had the accident back into Copenhagen to pick his hire car up. Unfortunately he didn't take out Red Penant Insurance and all I can say is yet again from this experience it's worth every penny.The guy has had to hire a car himself. I use the word "car" very lightly. A shed would be more precise. Whether it makes it round is yet to be seen but at least we are all mobile-Sweden here we come!

The lego shop Coppenhagen

This road sign appeals to my childish sense of humour...of corse..its speed control! 

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