Sunday 24 May 2015

Caravan Club St Petersburg and the North Grand Tour 2015 .Nearly ready to go!

Wow what a few days! Where do I start? We finished the Highlights of Spain Tour and had one night on our own at the most fantastic Playa De One break Campsite near Santander. If ever you are looking for a wonderful site,convenient to the ferry,this is it. The restaurant is.....definitely one of the best that I have eaten at in Spain. Anyone that knows me knows that I've eaten at a few! Yes not cheap but not ridiculously expensive either but 100 percent yum.It can also cater for those travelling by car and has accommodation etc. They are also extremely flexible as to what time you leave etc to catch ferries. Staff wonderful. Top class campsite.
Nice and warm but snow on the Pecs mountains. Look in the opposite direction and it's the lovely unspoilt beach!

Anyhow I love the place so off to the ferry. Walking along minding my own and I hear someone screeching my name..what in Santander?!

What a lovely surprise Louise and Mick as it certainly was a long crossing!
It was great to see my family again,albeit a little manic. 
Oh a word of warning. Although my caravan didn't need a service as it's only 18 months old I had it serviced. I nearly died when the engineer showed me the tyres. They were threadbare on the inside! Yes that's no exaggeration. I check tyre pressures etc regularly and nothing was visible from the outside of the caravan. The engineer thinks that maybe,only on one or a part trip that the motor mover hadn't been properly disengaged and that had caused it. He said that it was possible to tow and have not felt it! Yes it cost me 2 new tyres but if I hadn't had it serviced it could have been my life! Scarey or what?!
Anyhow on Saturday night we caught the worst ferry in Europe. Hull to Rotherham.  I believe that I have done my fair few crossings to and from various European countries but I have always favoured our local one until now. All I can say that this ship is a total disgrace to bare the name "Pride of Hull" Can you imagine people from Europe arriving for the City of Culture on that?! From the shambolic loading procedure to beds that had bigger sagging bottoms than me to six POUNDS for a glass of wine, to queueing for hours to try and get your breakfast that you had paid for....I could go on . Yes there were a lot of motorbikes on the ferry. Yes it was bank holiday weekend but hello ooh you should know how many bloody people are getting on the ferry and how many staff you will need! I won't rant any longer, needless to say that there has been an official complaint! This was once a great service P &O. If you can't run this route sell it to Brittany ferries as well or someone that can!
So yesterday we got off the dawned thing very tired and hungry. We had plenty of stops and made it across Holland to where we are now,just south of Hamburg, Brenan.
The drive across Holland was great. A little boring as it's totally flat but quick. We had our first stop just into Germany,when we pulled into a lay by.  What were the chances of not only meeting a fellow British caravanner but a York ie too who just happened to also be going on the same Tour! Shame we only got to meet over a cup of coffee as they seemed lovely people. Off we went to some random campsite that we chose out of the huge caravan club book. Not an inspected one....only another 2 units all heading north to do the same Tour! Who said it's a small world?!
Today,if Stoney ever gets out of bed it's Denmark here we come. I just love Europe.  3 countries in 2 days. What an amazing  continent we live on. Enjoy!

My 3 angels exploring our family home. What a lucky girl I am. Xx


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