Wednesday 13 May 2015

The Caravan Club Highlights of Spain Grand Tour-nearly the end but phew its hot!

I havent blogged for a while and Im getting very remiss. We had a super time down at La Aldea Camping where we saw the lynx. We then headed for a site at Caceres. We have used this site a lot previously as it is a convenient halt from Portugal or Southern Spain. Members of our party had heard that it was dirty and smelly so were a little apprehensive about going there. I raesuured them that if it was smelly and dirty we wouldnt be staying there. Little Cacares campsite did not let us down! What I like about it is that each pitch has its owen toilet block. They have also spent money recently on the place and there are now 2 indoor jacuzzis that are free to use as well as a sauna! The restaurant as always provided good reasonable food. The town of Caceres with it history was also enjoyable but at temperatures close to 30 degrees we decided democratically to limit the tour until 2pm which allowed us time to recover from the walking in the shade of our caravans band we were really thankful that we did!

Our own wet rooms on each pitch! Basic but adequate and clean and not smelly!

Oh yes I forgot to mention the gym..but thats not of much interest to me! All this from a municipal site?! Amazing.
So onwards and literally upwards to El Astral camping, just south of Bourgos. What a laugh we had at Brians expense in the bar. He wanted a beer but....?!
Ok Brian so that looks like shandy to me ..try again...
I dodnt think that his spanish is improving and should maybe stick to holidaying in the UK! A lovely guy but I dont think hes gifted with languages..ahh well he soon caught Dave up
Unfortunatly my video didnt work of him singing in darkness in the broadest Yorkshire accent of him singing "show me the way to go home!" I really dont know who brought that guy here!! 
So today its really hot still but the swimming pool is cloised and its so muggy. Only one thing for it....visit the bodegas! Wow what a morning that was. The Prado Rey is certainly worth a visit. First they show you the labarynth where wine was produced from the middle ages until about 35 years ago and then they show you the new state of the art winerey. The contrast is was the wine...well it would be rude not to! 

Are these people with the 3D glasses on with you?! They certainly arent with me!

Oh no..the wine shop! Do we have to? A great day hic!!

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