Saturday 30 May 2015

The Caravan Club St Petersburg and the North Grand Tour 2015 Denmark

We all met at Camping Holbaek Fjord on Friday and went for a lovely meal at the nearby marina. Unfortunately one of our rigs was involved in an accident and so was rather late. He has written his car off but he did find the Danish good s marital that brought his caravan to the campsite for me to set up for them. He was just a wonderful Danish man who spoke fluent English.  We were just minus a car!
Yesterday we went by coach to Copenhagen. The weather has been awful and the roadworks around Copenhagen a total nightmare. We had a super guide, Han's who was an extremely sprightly 75 year old! He actually remembers the British liberating the City at the end of the War. He still describes it as "still the best day if my life". He was a young boy at the time and has always been eternally grateful to  the Brits. The afternoon was spent shopping. Not a lot was bought as everything was so expensive. I found my way to a fLea market or an antiques fair if you want to pretend to be posh and amidst all the Copenhagen Pottery glared at me some Royal Dolton.  Really old and beautiful. He wanted 135 euros for it. What?! He then asked me if I knew Tim Woodcott.  I said "What from the TV?" He smiled. He took it that I did know him and said to me  "make me an offer!". I went in at 50 euros and finished at 60! I didn't lie, just some bits were lost in translation! I bought it really for my mum's birthday so you are sworn to secrecy. I researched it on the Internet and it's worth about 450 pounds and was made exactly the same year my mother was born! There's only me that would come all the way to Copenhagen and buy English China!
This morning we took our participant who had the accident back into Copenhagen to pick his hire car up. Unfortunately he didn't take out Red Penant Insurance and all I can say is yet again from this experience it's worth every penny.The guy has had to hire a car himself. I use the word "car" very lightly. A shed would be more precise. Whether it makes it round is yet to be seen but at least we are all mobile-Sweden here we come!

The lego shop Coppenhagen

This road sign appeals to my childish sense of humour...of corse..its speed control! 

Wednesday 27 May 2015

The Caravan Club St Petersburg and the North Grand Tour 2015. Denmark

Well we are finally at the starting point!Camping Holbaek Fjord in Denmark. We left Germany and bumped into several otger participants on the route all discussing how we were going to get into Denmark, whether it be by bridge or one of the many ferries. We had decided to go by the bridge but were persuaded to go by ferry as apparantly it took 100 miles off the driving. We werent even certain which ferry we needed to get! We found Rostock with the help of the sat nav but then it got a bit scarey. There were ferries to Russia, Estonia, oh my god all over the blooming place.  We werent sure where we were going until finally I found some helpful young woman who directed me to the do kids.  We had been there quite a few minutes when there was a knock on the car windows.  A lovely french man who was having similar problems, only worse as he didn't speak any other language and was asking ME for help! I tried to sound convincing in my best french that he was in the correct place. So there we were front of the queue....wait. Yes other cars,coaches and lorries joined us phew. A boat came! Phew. All the cars,coaches and lorries got on. Who was the last to load? The car and caravan that had been first there! Needless to say that they must have taken lessons from P and O on operating a ferry as there weren't any seats left for a 2 hour crossing! We sat like teenagers on the floor with a coffee in a cardboard cup! What is even worse is that we had spent 190 euros for a 2 hour crossing! Hey Ho we were going to Denmark. The ferry unloaded. Guess who was now last off? How do we do it? The road was terrible. Miles and miles of traffic in front of us winding down Country lanes. We were getting excited as we were getting near a motorway and we were getting low on diesel. The excitement was short lived. We hit traffic jams caused by roadworks that made the Mac look like a super highway! There were no fuel stations on the motorway. Panic!  Using the sat nav we got it to take us to some lovely little village in the back of beyond but at least it had an automated fuel pump!
We then realised that thanks to all these hold ups we weren't going to get to our planned site before it shut at 7.  Oh thank you sat nav "nearest campsite". The site again was in the middle of nowhere and the manager spoke no English.  He did tell me that he was married to a French lady who was away on holiday so we conversed in a mixture of french and heaven only knows what else! Dansk?  Or where did that language come from?!
The campsite..I am struggling to refer to it as a CL type. ..err field! It's toilets were clean but looked as though they were in disused cowshed with asbestos roofs!
So we got up in the morning and after more roadworks eventually got here. After a few minutes we were joined by my new best friends our Co Hosts. Marilyn and Terence.  They are fluent in Russian and other bombed out languages! Not only that but they understand Yorkshire having worked most of their lives in Hull! Is it that all us campers are trying to escape or are we just mad?! (It's not compulsory to answer!)
The campsite maybe has 6 or 7 of our units on and the remainder should,hopefully arrive today, making our total 38 people. As per usual 75% are caravanner, with 5 Motorhomes.  So far the Yorkshire lot are once again providing around 60% of participants! Needless to say they seem a very good group! We "borrowed "the TV room last night. Not to watch TV but to have a get together drink pre tour,  which was good fun.
So far I think that Denmark is incredibly pretty or quaint but it's like stepping back in time 30 years. It's blooming cold and windy,maybe 11 degrees. Everywhere tells you that May to June are the best months to visit. We are slap bang in the middle of it so what are the other months like?! BrRrer. Things aren't too expensive but maybe that's due to the strong pound-long may it continue!
We have visited Holbaek that is obviously geared up for the Tourist with their prices but we were the only ones there! Food and drink was very cheap. We can live with that.
So today I am grounded meeting our new arrivals and then we are all going out for a welcome meal and tomorrow...Copenhagen, ah that song in my head " wonderful,wonderful Copenhagen, beautiful Queen of the South" Is that right?! See I've got you humming it now! Hey Ho I'd better go and get dressed. I hope it's warmer wherever you are!

Our field!

Is this really money?! Don't worry Stoney-just hand it to me!

Sunday 24 May 2015

Caravan Club St Petersburg and the North Grand Tour 2015 .Nearly ready to go!

Wow what a few days! Where do I start? We finished the Highlights of Spain Tour and had one night on our own at the most fantastic Playa De One break Campsite near Santander. If ever you are looking for a wonderful site,convenient to the ferry,this is it. The restaurant is.....definitely one of the best that I have eaten at in Spain. Anyone that knows me knows that I've eaten at a few! Yes not cheap but not ridiculously expensive either but 100 percent yum.It can also cater for those travelling by car and has accommodation etc. They are also extremely flexible as to what time you leave etc to catch ferries. Staff wonderful. Top class campsite.
Nice and warm but snow on the Pecs mountains. Look in the opposite direction and it's the lovely unspoilt beach!

Anyhow I love the place so off to the ferry. Walking along minding my own and I hear someone screeching my name..what in Santander?!

What a lovely surprise Louise and Mick as it certainly was a long crossing!
It was great to see my family again,albeit a little manic. 
Oh a word of warning. Although my caravan didn't need a service as it's only 18 months old I had it serviced. I nearly died when the engineer showed me the tyres. They were threadbare on the inside! Yes that's no exaggeration. I check tyre pressures etc regularly and nothing was visible from the outside of the caravan. The engineer thinks that maybe,only on one or a part trip that the motor mover hadn't been properly disengaged and that had caused it. He said that it was possible to tow and have not felt it! Yes it cost me 2 new tyres but if I hadn't had it serviced it could have been my life! Scarey or what?!
Anyhow on Saturday night we caught the worst ferry in Europe. Hull to Rotherham.  I believe that I have done my fair few crossings to and from various European countries but I have always favoured our local one until now. All I can say that this ship is a total disgrace to bare the name "Pride of Hull" Can you imagine people from Europe arriving for the City of Culture on that?! From the shambolic loading procedure to beds that had bigger sagging bottoms than me to six POUNDS for a glass of wine, to queueing for hours to try and get your breakfast that you had paid for....I could go on . Yes there were a lot of motorbikes on the ferry. Yes it was bank holiday weekend but hello ooh you should know how many bloody people are getting on the ferry and how many staff you will need! I won't rant any longer, needless to say that there has been an official complaint! This was once a great service P &O. If you can't run this route sell it to Brittany ferries as well or someone that can!
So yesterday we got off the dawned thing very tired and hungry. We had plenty of stops and made it across Holland to where we are now,just south of Hamburg, Brenan.
The drive across Holland was great. A little boring as it's totally flat but quick. We had our first stop just into Germany,when we pulled into a lay by.  What were the chances of not only meeting a fellow British caravanner but a York ie too who just happened to also be going on the same Tour! Shame we only got to meet over a cup of coffee as they seemed lovely people. Off we went to some random campsite that we chose out of the huge caravan club book. Not an inspected one....only another 2 units all heading north to do the same Tour! Who said it's a small world?!
Today,if Stoney ever gets out of bed it's Denmark here we come. I just love Europe.  3 countries in 2 days. What an amazing  continent we live on. Enjoy!

My 3 angels exploring our family home. What a lucky girl I am. Xx


Wednesday 13 May 2015

The Caravan Club Highlights of Spain Grand Tour-nearly the end but phew its hot!

I havent blogged for a while and Im getting very remiss. We had a super time down at La Aldea Camping where we saw the lynx. We then headed for a site at Caceres. We have used this site a lot previously as it is a convenient halt from Portugal or Southern Spain. Members of our party had heard that it was dirty and smelly so were a little apprehensive about going there. I raesuured them that if it was smelly and dirty we wouldnt be staying there. Little Cacares campsite did not let us down! What I like about it is that each pitch has its owen toilet block. They have also spent money recently on the place and there are now 2 indoor jacuzzis that are free to use as well as a sauna! The restaurant as always provided good reasonable food. The town of Caceres with it history was also enjoyable but at temperatures close to 30 degrees we decided democratically to limit the tour until 2pm which allowed us time to recover from the walking in the shade of our caravans band we were really thankful that we did!

Our own wet rooms on each pitch! Basic but adequate and clean and not smelly!

Oh yes I forgot to mention the gym..but thats not of much interest to me! All this from a municipal site?! Amazing.
So onwards and literally upwards to El Astral camping, just south of Bourgos. What a laugh we had at Brians expense in the bar. He wanted a beer but....?!
Ok Brian so that looks like shandy to me ..try again...
I dodnt think that his spanish is improving and should maybe stick to holidaying in the UK! A lovely guy but I dont think hes gifted with languages..ahh well he soon caught Dave up
Unfortunatly my video didnt work of him singing in darkness in the broadest Yorkshire accent of him singing "show me the way to go home!" I really dont know who brought that guy here!! 
So today its really hot still but the swimming pool is cloised and its so muggy. Only one thing for it....visit the bodegas! Wow what a morning that was. The Prado Rey is certainly worth a visit. First they show you the labarynth where wine was produced from the middle ages until about 35 years ago and then they show you the new state of the art winerey. The contrast is was the wine...well it would be rude not to! 

Are these people with the 3D glasses on with you?! They certainly arent with me!

Oh no..the wine shop! Do we have to? A great day hic!!

Friday 8 May 2015

The Caravan Club Highlights of Spain Tour 2015..boiling but we saw the lynx!

We left Los Batanes with  a heavy heart but we knew that we were in for another treat-the fantastic La Campina Campsite owned by Ricky and Matilda. I just love this site and the weather never fails to disappoint nor did their hopitality. The meal provided for us by the lovely Lordes was amazing. As per usual when Matilda and I get together any programme goes out of the window and we never stop! It was lovely though. We visited Cordoba and an amazing castle, followed by the afternoon in the pool as it was about 34 degrees. The following day we all went to the Garlic factory, the bodega and the pottery. The lovely nearby town of Santaella with its superb casino for coffee//wow
Dawn La Campina Style!

Matilda in full flow

Im no horticultural expert but look at these roses!

A real bodega. The secret room that they all have for visiting priests. You cant get more off the tourist trail than this!

Oh yes and a true potter! 
We reluctantly left Matildas but I think we would all like to have stayed longer and on to El Rocio. They are in for a shock if they expect all of Spain to be like this..Andulucia I love you!

Sunday 3 May 2015

The Caravan Club Highlights of Spain Grand Tour 2015 melting!

I have a bit of catching up to do. We stayed 2 nights at Los Batanes in the Natural Park and we were lucky to get a phone signal never mind the Internet!  Now that's the only thing that I can say that's negative about that place! The area is outstanding and the campsite has improved greatly. They have put bigger deluxe pitches in with facilities on the pitches..but the area..

I'm not big into walking but it was great.
So the next day was an early start for us again to travel to Las Camp in a, in the olive groves. We had a good drive but when we got there there was only one thing to do in 34 degree heat...
Yes That's Stoney swimming behind! The following day was the castle and Cordoba. A great place that I have been to many times but lovely

Oh so I've just realised I didn't actually take any pics of Cordoba! Lol
Today another early start for our trip to the garlic factory,the pottery and the bodega. All very local and away from the tourist trail ,believe it or not! Hopefully an afternoon by the pool and then another early start to camping Last Aldea and the famous El Rock. cream crackered! I have to say though Camping Lane Camp in a is a site definitely not to be missed! Have a good day whatever you are doing!