Saturday 14 June 2014

Yorkshire-A refreshing change!

I must admit I never thought that I would put that!so we sailed home sunday night from zeebrugge into Hull. Boy oh boy has that ferry been allowed to get run down since P and O took it over. I took one look at my vabin and upgraded! I kept upgrading much to Daves disbelief and I think there was only the Captains cabin to go! I finally found a cabin that was to my satisfaction and we had a great vrossing with a five mile drive to my lovely little CL in Burton Pidsea. The first few days were all a little manic with family and friends which was lovely and then our friends Alistair and Shiela came to join us in their new Lunar caravan. They have just about travelled the world but have never been to yorkshire!
We took them first of all to our home town of Hedon. The place didnt let us down at all. We went in the local tearoom and sat in the old courtyard. The locals were just their normal friendly happy selves and within minutes the banter was brilliant and far funnier than any comedian on tv. I cant tell you what we ate or drank all we did was laugh with perfect strangers. Our friends were made more than welcome. If ever you are feeling down I really recommend Nutmegs tea rooms! Yes tea!
Off we went to Hulls old town. I must admit what they have done is lovely. Showing people around the place made me look at the place with a different set of eyes. When I was living and working near here they were just streets and buildings but having the time to really look at them...I actually felt proud! It is an amazing historic city.Again..the people made it. Everyone smiles and speaks! I hadnt realised how friendly people are until Id been away for so long and come back. For all its a city I dont think you could ever be lonely here. It may have had its rough times throughout history but by heck its not destroyed its spirit. City of Culture so rightly awarded!
Well what else have we done? Alistair promptly broke the electrics on his caravan when he got here. He was expecting a bill in the hundreds if he could get it fixed at all. The local approved dealer came to our cl and fixed it all for twenty pounds! "Dont worry. We wont see you stuck!" The guy was more than true to his every word leaving Alistair a true Scit more than happy!
They are big into bird wstching so Bempton Cliffs was a must. They sre just bloody birds to me but I was educated ( well they tried) Hmm puffins kittywakes? Oh hell Ive forgotten!hmm lots of different coloured birds!
Today is their last day with us so its off to Beverley market. I havent been there for years. Another very big historic town.
Ok so its rained a bit but when the sun is out it does have the wow factor and prices..? Dirt cheap in comparison to france in particular. Eating like Lords again! Asda ...I ve lost count how many times Ive been there. In fact I think I could get a job there now I know whats on every aisle!
My only complaint except the weather is that my body cannot get used to BST and every morning Ive been up at 5.30! That bloody hour! E very negative in life has a positive...uts about the only time I can get a full internet signal! If my blig is know why! I couldnt stay here all winter but there really is some truth in 'Lifes not dull in Hull!' A few pics to bore you on a saturday morning..have a good day!
Ok so im losing the will to live I will post pics later and correct spelling mistakes!21 st century hasnt reached parts of yorkshire yet!

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