Wednesday 4 June 2014

Caravan Club Sparkling champagne Tour oh no...more champagne!

Well if anyone grumbles on this Tour that they haven't drank enough champagne or tried enough they must be mad! I don't think I want to see the stuff ever again..well not until this afternoon anyway!
Let me think today is Wednesday...yesterday we went to jean-Milans champagne house and the day before Tattinger. Omg I was going to treat myself but how expensive?! There was a special promotion on any Tattinger for six bottles for 699 euros! Needless to say we bought a dozen ( not!) Yesterday I fancied a t shirt advertising their champagne...what a bargain...25 euros for a t shirt?! Hellooooo who do you think we are oh and 10 euros for a blooming keyring! I will loose my keys first! I guess the trouble is that a lot of their visitors are Americans and Japanese who maybe can afford these things not us poor Brits! Nice to sample their free champagne though and walk away! Or should I say 'stagger 'away!
It rained all through the night last night but I think its finally stopped now and there are queues for the toilets! The joys of camping in the rain eh?!Many are overnighters on here and are heading further south. Who can blame them?! I think our ignorant next door neighbours ate doing the same. They just arrived and plonked dead opposite us-I mean their caravan in back to front so that our doors are facing each other..why?! It wasn't just a problem with the foreign vans doors being on the wrong side! Would you pitch a caravan like this?!
This was captured from the far side of my caravan! I just couldn't sit out! Worse was to come. They are failed gadget people! We spent all afternoon listening to a high pitch squeel whilst they found a satellite signal and all evening listening to their door slamming to re adjust their satellite! The WiFi is so good here why do you need satellite?! I tell you I was sorely tempted to put the dish where the sun doesn't  shine! Don't Bailey fit door handles to their caravans?! They could save a Bob or two in their production line as these two have found a new way of closing a door! They just seem oblivious to anyone or anything else! There is so much space here- why?! Our blind are almost touching and I don't even know these people!
Ahh there's many a true word spoken..he who laughs last and all that. As I mentioned this morning it has been raining heavily. Guess who got soaked trying to turn their caravan around in wet grass?! Naturally I dashed out to help them ( not!) Then to make matters worse they tried to drive off with their motor over on! Again I didn't laugh much! I really must stop people watching but when they plonk themselves right under my nose I don't have much other options? I not as though I could see the river any longer! 
Ahh well best go and get ready now this mornings entertainment is over...Most and Chanson here we come!

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