Wednesday 4 June 2014

Caravan Club Sparkling Champagne Tour. Mystery woman...who is she?

Well yesterday it rained big time. No problems there though as we were off to the Most and Chanson champagne house. Wow! It did make Tattinger and the others look like the poor relations. If you only have time to go to one champagne house this is the one. The guide was incredible. Knowledgeable, fun and had excellent english. We tasted the champagne but the cheapest bottle was over 40 euros! It was opulent. No other word for it. Having seen the price of champagne I thought I would buy an umbrella ( not that I could drink it!) 180 euros! What to advertise their product?! My old brolly will have to do! There were bottles there for 1895 euros and more scarily people were buying them! Yes its good stuff but helllooo I can feed us for two months for that amount!

And this was just at the entrance! Good old Queenie drinks the stuff!

 Now after we had all been blown away we noticed this lady who was literally clearing the shelves..buying boxes of the stuff, even the matching champagne chiller. She had two trollies full! With her was a bodyguard and chauffer but who the hell is she?! I'm really curious. If we can establish who she is we certainly know where the best party will be at?!

Anymore sensible suggestions?! Please don't say Michelle Obama again! Lol

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