Sunday 4 October 2015

Exciting Times Ahead?!

Ok guys after my visit to Morocco I was somewhat exasperated as I fell in love with parts of Morocco and was frustrated at what Tours were on offer so I decided that I wanted to do it better! Some apparantly involve wild camping and to say dubiuos places would be me being very kind. To put it mildly I would not take anyone to some of the places that I went to but some were just simply to die for! Quite by coincidence a friend of mine who also owns a campsite had come up with the same idea as myself that we believe we can do better and do a luxurious Tour to the nice places and nice campsites so we sat down and have gone for it! She fell in love with the place like I did and really believe that it is the next Spain! Yes some of the beaches..dare I say it..were probably better than Spains! Places were spotlessly clean and it was incredibly safe! This was not what I was expecting!
Please can you go to my web page oooh get me.... no thats not the name of the company its! If I was clever I would put a posh link on here but I am also on facebook. Please could you like it and share it. We take our own Coach with us and its all legal, insured etc etc. We hope to add to our Tours shortly.
So thats a lot of exciting stuff done but its involved as lot of hardwork so because I am a mug , brave or incredibly stupid I am braving taking my mother camping! Yes you are never too old! She is in her 80s. She would kill me if I said how old. We are only trotting up to Javea just to show her another bit of Spain and of course to the wonderful Scallops restaurant. Well it would be rude not to I will be damned if Im cooking! Its so blooming hot here still but Im not complaining and it has a lovely pool and beach.
I also need a break from my new addiction..padel! I used to think that the spanish were mad but now Im totally hooked. I played one morning and went out in the afternoon to buy a bat/ Dave laughed at me until yesterday. He had a go,and yesterday went out and bought a bat  too! Give it a go. Its a really good sport but if you saw Dave walking today Im not so convinced that it did him so good! We are playing first thing in the morning and then off to Javea. We will get withdrawl symptoms.I only wish that I  had bought shares in Decathlon!
So not a lot else to say apart from adios and please check out my website!

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