Sunday 27 September 2015

A Mixed Experience-but I love Morocco!

Ok guys Ive been quiet for a while but  I have been exporing places new as Ive nearly ran out of the european continent. I had the opportunity to visit Morocco with another Tour Operator to see if it was suitable for Britsh motorhomes and Caravanners. In other words "guinea pig!"We were to travel with the other Operator so we left our caravan in Spain and off we went in his van. One thing anyone ommitted to tell me was that he keeps 12 dogs. Can ypu imagine the smell in 30 degree plus heat?! Not the best of starts.
We crossed from Spain and into Tangier Med. It was interesting to see a few Immigrants trying to get out of the Country and into Europe. Just an hours ferry ride away and to another continent but it feels like another world.Amazing looking from the ferry. On one side there is Spain and good old British Gibraltar and then there is Aftrica! Crazy or what. The entry formalities into Africa were pretty straight forward. We reached our first stop at a place called Matril. Wow! I could have been in France! Immaculate. Beautiful promenade,. Immaculate beaches, modern hotels CLEAN beyond belief. Modern Hotels that were aslmost American standard

 The thing that amazed me most was the ladies dress! There was such a mixture. Some women were wearing all the Islamic clothing on the beach. Some moroccan ladies wearing western style clothing and then mixed amonst them were totally western visitors and no one batted an eyelid. Girls in bikinis and others in burkahs all on the same beach! I guess that is the ultimate tolerance.
We walked into the little nearby town and watched the world which was really interesting. There are 2 types of taxis. The petit taxis and the normal ones. The normal ones are old mercedes and the only rules are you can get as manty people in as will possibly fit! We saw one taxi with 10 people in! Health and Safety "what is that?!" A normal form of transport for a family is a moped. No crash helmets. Wedge the baby or young child in between its parents and off they go! One thing that was also very apparent was how safe I felt. Yes amazing. The most immaculatre police officers on almost every junction. Nearly everyone speaks Arabic or French. At this point Spanish seemed to be the third language but in the hotels and cafes english was spoken.We ate at a local cafe and all I can say is that the food was excellent! Yes I was amaazed. The locals were so friendly and smiling. What a different, relaxed way of life. Morocco couldnt be that good surely.
Our next stop let Morocco totally seduce me.We visited Cherfchaouen. What a place. Its only since about 1930 that they have let non muslim people in. Its known as the"blue town". What a vibrant place.Culture and history in abundance coupled wit the most friendly of people.

Dont ask me what the hell I ate but as you can see from my plate it was empty! They just kept bringing more and more food. I thought it was never going to stop!

What a hive of activity at night with little alleys which are the souks

Restaurants and cafes galore. It seemed strange to see people sitting outside with only water or mint tea! No alcohol in public!

 I fell in love with this charming little place. As I was walking down one of the narrow alley ways some young boy tapped me on my back " Oh my god" fearing the worst at how stupid I had been as I realised my handbag was not fastened. He was tapping my shoulder to tell me . and everything was there-yes I really did feel safe! I really wanted to spend longer here.
We then frove on t osee the Roman Ruins of Volubillis and then on toMeknes market

Sorry- this just tickled me! 
The colours, the smells. The hussle, the bustle. I love it! I really wasnt too sure about the next place but then I was welcomed into a Moroccan house for a homemade meal WOW!!!!
 Vegetables to die for with couscous and lamb
The village from the roof top

I made some great friends. We were something of a novelty seeing westerners. We managed to get by in a little french and I tried to teach them some english. What genuinely lovely friendly people who welcomed strangers into their homre and showed such generosity and warmth yet compared to us they have nothing! 
The next day we visited a school. The little girl in the pink dress broke my heart. She spotted me from miles away in front of her classmates she gave out a squeel and just blew me kisses! I had to leave as I stood there a wreck crying! There classroom was so basic. It was so humbling, yet they are rich in so many other ways. I weill never forget her.
Onwards towards the great Sahara desert and to another Hotel. I do hasten to add that I was looking at campsites along the way! In thge middle of nowhere, appeared on the horizon....

This was another incredible experience. The solar panels power the hotel during most of the day and then at 6 pm at night the generator starts up to provide the electricity! It was well over 40 degrees here and by heck you were grateful when the genrator kicked in to start the air con! The other interesting thing here was all the different nationalities staying in the hotel, Portuguese, New Zealand, Moroccans, Egyptians. It was like a UN convention! Because the Hotel is so remote the staff actually live on site. 
Onwards we go down the most scariest road imaginable
 Actally it doesnt look scarey there. but believe me it was! We stopped at a campsite and then off to Marrakkech, via the film studios at Essouria
Another world!
Ther fantastic Ibis Hotel with a free pool! Breakfast included and SOOO Cheap! Thank god for the pool!

Square of the Dead at night. You just HAVE to go. I could not possibly describe this atmosphere here!

I fid the touristy bit and visited Yves st Lauren gardens. We stayed 2 days but 2 weeks would not have been long enough. The amazing thing is that we then hopped on to the most wonderful motorway and were back in Spain in no time. Marrakech for breakfast and Spain for tapas, passing British Territory along the way! 
We did stay in some grotty places as well as the nice ones. There are good roads. Some hotels left a lot to be desired

My en suite! The smell kept me wake all night!

Prisoners are kept in better cells in our Country!
Hey but what a fantastic experience. I learnt so much and thats what it was all about.  Yes Morocco is an amazing place and I cant wait to go back. There are some great roads, great campsites , great hotels. I have been busy. Thats why I havent blogged. Without giving too much away all I can say on here  is WATCH THIS SPACE! 

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