Thursday 29 October 2015

Even if you don't know you are ill-come to Spain!

Well whoever said that keeping slim,eating healthy and playing sport is a damned liar! oh yesSo since coming back from Morocco I have bought a tegine and have been eating so many vegetables it's untrue. My idea of cooking is to open a bag of salad. I still haven't fathomed how to open some bags though and at what bloody gas mark they should be cooked at. I do love chocolate as that's another "ready meal". When I can't be bothered to make a cup of tea wine is another "ready drink" so what is the bloody problem?! I have been playing padel 3 times a week and going swimming and I'm always riding my bike- My heart is the bloody problem! I'm not even that chuffing old!
I was "warming up" last Wednesday to play padel and oh how I cursed having my Weetabux" before I played..only problem was it had nothing to do with my Weetabux I was having a heart attack! Forget all the nonsense about breathlessness, just a pain in the centre of my chest and sweating. If I was to do it anywhere this was the place! My mates and fellow padel players were fantastic. No wonder the NHS is in crisis-all the best nurses were retired playing padel with me! I hadn't realised how many of them were retired medics!  Even when I'd parted with my bloody Weetabux all over them-they didn't give up on me! Absolute stars. Apparantly the Guardian Civil were the first to arrive.."oh they have come to fill in the death report but they are too early!" thinks me. I later learned that they are like first responders! Anyhow an ambulance arrives but they are not happy with me and call for another. At this point I'm not too happy with me-but hey Ho another arrives with a doctor on board and before I know it I am flying-well it felt like it up the AP7. I guessed I was in a bit of bother when I was aware of the blues and twos going! (no wonder I was a candidate for the CID!)
Anyhow before I knew it I was in this state of the art hospital. I mean really state if the art. I thought I was just having an x ray but there were a lot of people around. Next thing I really knew was that I'd had 2 stents put in! How amazing was that?! Quick,efficient, painless, oh and so clean with lovely lovely staff. I was transo erred the their Intensive Care which was different! It was more like an individual glass room! This was probably the most painful part and difficult. My arm ..ouch..the bruising where they had gone into my main artery and not being allowed to move!   As you can imagine someone like me got more rollicking than a few! My entertainment in there was seeing my bruising come out!

How many colours? looks as though I had been ran over! 
 A small price to pay. After all this I really thought that I had lost the plot as well and was halucinating -I could see my daughter Katie. Yes she literally jumped on a plane and was here the same day-even though we live a good 2 hours away from any airport in the Uk! What a surprise.
The following day on to a ward. No not a ward. My hotel room! Yes that's what it was more like and the same design! I cannot fault anything except the food

This was breakfast..dried toast! oh how I wished I had hung on to that Weetabix! 
Things could only get better for tea..?!

How the hell do you manage to burn vegetables and then serve them up cold?! That must be one of the advanced cookery courses because even I can't manage that one! It was so funny as they kept giving me laxative powder that I didn't take. When asked why not I laughed and said 'I haven't eaten enough to make me want to go-keep your laxatives!" The weight I must have lost! 
Anyhow on Saturday I was finally given bail from the hospital.I tell you it was far better than BUPA or any of our private hospitals. Clean? They were obsessive! Spotless. Nursing staff? Clean, slim, smart and I'm afraid to say so efficient, unlike many of ours today. Their appearances were the striking difference and their caring,friendly attitudes. In all my time there I never saw one that was overweight. They were all make up free, jewellery free and all had their hair smartly tied up but all wore a smile. I will never be able to thank them enough. Without being political or offensive to anyone in our current NHS and even private hospitals there is something seriously wrong with our system-well certainly in Hull! So how much did it cost? Oh what a time to discover that your EHIC  card ran out 6 weeks ago! No problems I'm pleased to say...a fantastic Group Travel Insurance that took care of it all! Lesson learned. Go and check your EHIC card now!
So back to the campsite. Corr are all amazing! kindness is the understatement 
! Good wishes, cards, presents. My awning looks like a florist shop! Thank you all. I really do appreciate it.For heavens sake if you plan on being ill make sure it's in Spain!

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