Tuesday 3 March 2015

The Caravan Club Andulucian Tour Wow what a day!

This tour is certainly full of suprises. After visting Cadiz on Monday nother luxury coach arrived to take us to Jerez..omg we went to the Real Escula of the world famous andulcian horses and saw a horse show. Unfortunately we werent allowed to take any pics but all I can say if you are evr down thais way it is a MUST do! Hers pics thatI could take!

Ok so that weas fab. All I knew was that we were going to a tapas bar for luch. It only turned out to be the Tendido6! 

Ok so apart from Niocolas Szarcozi and a few famous people also having eaten tapas there just look at the maitre de! Yes he was a very famous bullfighter and the bulls head in the background is the bull that he slayed! The bullring is directly opposite his tapas bar. What a super guy! The meal was great and if that was his ta[as my tummy certainly isnt big enough for a three course meal there!
Ok so then it was off to the Tio Pepe Bodega for sherry sampling and on a blooming tourist train
My favourite part was seeing all the barrels signed by the worlds rich and famous

Oh yes I always save the best until last..Sir Cliff!!!! We then had a little wander around before sherry tasting

The most amazing part of the day was that I have found alcohol that I dont like! Sherry!! Yuck! It was either like wallpaper stripper or just like drinking glue! Not that I do that too Often! It was far too sweet. Dave and I became the most popular people in that room as we handed our free samples to the others! Each to their own but I dont like to tell tales-all I can say is that the shop did a roaring trade but not thanks to us! 
We arrived back at the campsite totally cream crackered at 7pm! Needless to say we didnt see anyone after that! All tucked up in our caravans..thank goodness that today is a rest day before we leave here and head off tomorrpw for camping La Aldea at El Roccio.... bring it on! 

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