Wednesday 18 March 2015

The Caravan Club Andulucian Grand Discovery Tour...things were going far too well!

We are nearly at the end of this spectacular Tour. It has been great fun. Not only the places that we have been but the weather and the people too. We travelled yesterday from Las Lomas near Granada to Caba de Gata. All 15 rings were performing well but then about 5 miles from the final destination the BMW decided that it didnt want to play anymore!

Thank god for Red Pennant! Davids car was recovered along with his caravan to the campsite by a tow truck. He was able to empty the contents of his car at his leisure and then the truck came back again to recover the car. It sounds as though the car is seriously poorly so as we speak someone is coming out with a low loader from the UK to deliver him a hired tow verhicle and to take his broken one back to the UK for him-the holiday shall continue! Things could have been so much worse-like breaking down on the mountain range that we had just crossed and the winds were horrific.
So that was our excitement yesterday. Last night we went up to the bar on site and had menu del noches for 9 euros. We drank a fair bit of wine with people ordering extra bottles etc. When we went to pay they wouldnt charge us for the wine! We had all that for 9 euros each! A 3 course meal and drinks! 
So today was off exploring the Cabo de Gata National Park and luch out. The weather wasnt being so kind to us and we were grateful having our own coach and timetable as well as an english speaking guide so we could stop and hap on or off whenever we liked

These are two volcanoes...I wonder why they are known locally as the two titties?! Really they are the two brothers!

We had a super meal out. This paella was just one of our many starter courses!

The group modelling thermal raincoats! It was so blooming cold!

So tomorrow night we have our final meal which I fear could be a bit of a rowdy affair and then its back to Marjal. This has been the most amzing Tour! Cream crackered but well worth it!

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