Wednesday 18 March 2015

The Caravan Club Andulucian Grand Discovery Tour...things were going far too well!

We are nearly at the end of this spectacular Tour. It has been great fun. Not only the places that we have been but the weather and the people too. We travelled yesterday from Las Lomas near Granada to Caba de Gata. All 15 rings were performing well but then about 5 miles from the final destination the BMW decided that it didnt want to play anymore!

Thank god for Red Pennant! Davids car was recovered along with his caravan to the campsite by a tow truck. He was able to empty the contents of his car at his leisure and then the truck came back again to recover the car. It sounds as though the car is seriously poorly so as we speak someone is coming out with a low loader from the UK to deliver him a hired tow verhicle and to take his broken one back to the UK for him-the holiday shall continue! Things could have been so much worse-like breaking down on the mountain range that we had just crossed and the winds were horrific.
So that was our excitement yesterday. Last night we went up to the bar on site and had menu del noches for 9 euros. We drank a fair bit of wine with people ordering extra bottles etc. When we went to pay they wouldnt charge us for the wine! We had all that for 9 euros each! A 3 course meal and drinks! 
So today was off exploring the Cabo de Gata National Park and luch out. The weather wasnt being so kind to us and we were grateful having our own coach and timetable as well as an english speaking guide so we could stop and hap on or off whenever we liked

These are two volcanoes...I wonder why they are known locally as the two titties?! Really they are the two brothers!

We had a super meal out. This paella was just one of our many starter courses!

The group modelling thermal raincoats! It was so blooming cold!

So tomorrow night we have our final meal which I fear could be a bit of a rowdy affair and then its back to Marjal. This has been the most amzing Tour! Cream crackered but well worth it!

Sunday 15 March 2015

The Caravan Club Andulcian Grand Discover Tour. Granada

I honestly think thos is the best place for morning coffee in Spain! It does get better in April time whrn the whisteria comes out and theres still snow on the mountains!

The Resevoir is the most brilliant turquoise

how quickly this Tour has gone. Only 5 more days left. We are now at Las Lomas Camping. A beautiful site with incredible views and a resatauranto to die for. The towing to get here is not for the light hearted but as long as you have a good power to weight ration andf plenty of nerve its well worth it!
Yesterday we went to Granada. Not one of my favourite cities but Im probably not being fair as I have been many times before. The Morroccan Bazar is still good fun if you havent been before and the views of the Alhambra

The welcome meal provided by Paco was......ummm please can I have the same again for my breakfast,dinner and tea for the next week?!! Yummy would be an understatement. We have a day off tomorrow and then its our final destination Cabo De Gata. Tonight we are meeting up for drinkies in the bar as itsa member of the groups birthday. Well it would be rude not to wouldnt it?! lol

Saturday 14 March 2015

The Caravan Club Andulucian Grand Discovery Tour-what a tour!

Well we have all fallen in love with the campsite La Campina.  We had an awsome day around Cordoba but then the evening was just hillarious. Together with Matilda the campsite owner we decided to have our own Andulucian night with e flamenco dancer and paella. We expected a female dancer but we got a young man dresses as a mixture who could not only dance but sing as well and talk abiut audience participation?! I swear I have never met some of them before!

 The cook couldnt resist joining in!
 Err Lois?! Captions please!

 Omg look at the face! What has he done?!

We had a truly fantastic time here and we received the warmest of Andulucian Welcomes. It was so nice to get off the tourist trail and enjoy real Andulucia. The group had such a good time that we had a collection for Matilda and Ricky the owners who really went above and beyond. If ever you visit this site look out for the wall clock from the mad hatters on Tour!

Thursday 12 March 2015

The Caravan Club Andulucian Grand Discovery Tour Update

We enjoyed our time at El Rocio. The update re nr nasty is he who laufhs was a shame I didnt get to see it though! The owner of the campsite reimbursed me with my 8 euro hostage money that I had paid and asked me what I would like to see happen to him. Still trying to remain professional and not involve the Guardia Civil I had an idea. I knew that he was expecting to pay 16 euros a night with acsi and that he had left his acsi card with the reception until he left and paid in full. I explained that I thought it was a scam and didnt see why he should only pay 8 euros for the night in question. The campsite held his acsi card to ransom until he paid 24 euros for one nights camping! They also wouldnt release his electric cable from the box! In effect he made nothing from his behaviour! Unfortunately we had gone for a day out in Huelva so I never got to see this! Grr how I would love to have seen his smug face when we had one over him!
Anyhow Huelva ...oh I should have known the way my day was going. My brief was to get everyone on the coach and meet the guide at the column of christopher Columbus.  ...simple..not! There are a total if 3 blooming columns to Christopher Columbus! I will never forget where Columbus sailed from!

If I hear the words Christopher Columbus ever again?! 
There really wasnt a great deal in the lovely city to do , except visit a lovely little monestary and have a fantastic menu del dia in a superb Italian Restaurant. The guide was lovely but much of Huelva and its history had been destroyed by an earthquake in the 18th century.
The following day we headed through Seville to camp at an amazing little site at La Campina,  tucked amongst the olive groves

Now how can anyone be cross with these views?! It is sooo hot. There was only one place to go for some. The first in the pool here this year.
Yesterday was an action packed day from 0830 until 1830! We were led by Matilda the owner of the campsite to an olive factory, a garlic factory, a monestary, a bodega where we had lunch and then a pittery! We were miles away from any other tourists and it was the real spain. We even had to put white protective clothing on to go in the garlic factory "beam us up Scottie!"

 Rob said that Brian was just pleased to see me!

The day was great fun and a huge success.  Today we are going to please tell me theres only one Cordoba!

Sunday 8 March 2015

The Caravan Club Andulucian Grand Discovery Tour. A great day watch someone try to spoil it!

We arrived at La Aldea camping at El Rocio on thursday after a very windy journey from La Rosaleda. We had a beautiful welcome meal in the restaurant with unlimited drinks! Hic!
 On friday we went in 4 x 4s to the Donana National Park to try and see the Lynx and the eagles.  We managed to see just about everything except either of them ..until I spotted a lynx!
Well that was the nearest that we came! Im not big into wild life but the Twitchers amongst us were extremely happy. For me it was the mother and her foal that did it

It was all amazing as is this entire area. What could possibly go wrong?!

Ok so this is a scam to be aware of and unfortunately hes english. The camper pulled on to the site after being thrown iff a local beauty spot by the Guardia Civil. There were lots of spaces available on the campsite but he delibwrately chose one where one of our members had left their nice car parked. He then used a good 4 metre chain to tie the car and motorhome together. He then left a note on the car demanding that we pay 8 euros to release our car! This guy was well versed in what he was doung and I suspect a scam that he has used before. Who chooses a putch where there is already a car on it when there are hundreds of others free? Who goes camping with such a large chain for no apparant reason? The campsite staff tried to reasin with him as did I but he was a master in nastiness. Rathwr than spoil the day as we had pressing party mattwrs to attend to I paid the 8 euros to mr horrible. He wanted 8 euros as he had paid on acsi and stated we had used half HIS pitch!  It was Wendy and Davids golden wedding anniversay so we couldnt let it pass without a celebration!
Then it was off to tge restaurant for yet another meal and more champagne-this time provided free by the campsite! Yesterday was a chilling day but I couldnt resist going back into El Rocio. I just love this place. The internet is so slow is my only complaint here! More pics later! Adios amigos! Camping la Aldea. Bungalows y Acampada en el RocĂ­o. Almonte ...