Friday 28 July 2017

Our Hungarian Adventure

Well we safely made it into Hungary.No queuing to buy vignettes. Just a simple pay at the service station. No stickers as it's all electronic. I can't remember how much it cost but it was cheap. Less then £20 or I would have remembered! The only problem that we did have was trying to get forints at the service area. They all advertised that they took visa but in reality only Mastercard!  Grrr! Crazy as soon as you hit the small towns and villages the ATM s are the same as in the UK!
We headed to a British owned campsite in the Country for a bit of a chill. Tranquil Pines. Very basic and rural with a pool and a bar but very hospitable hosts. The weather was very kind to us. We were able to have a "muck out" and chill. One day we travelled from Tranquil Pines to Lake Balaton and we were hooked! Water lovers this IS THE PLACE!

I have been to many of the famous lakes in the world but this is something else. It's huge but it's shallow so it's about 28 degrees. No tides and heaped with fun. No egines alod so  plenty of windsurfing, sailing and swimming. We dropped lucky and found a site that had a few vacancies. We took the last deluxe pitch and it was worth every penny

What a view to wake up to and go to bed to! Absolute got better just along the road from the campsite pizzas to die for
We pushed the boat out here. .all for £4 and she ate it all! We had a bad storm whilst we were here but got off unscathed. We then found that there was a caravan club approved site on the other side of the lake directly opposite to where we were...we must explore! 
We had the choice of getting a ferry across the lake or to go by road. No one could give us the price for the Caravan which is quite big so we went by road. With it being with the Caravan Club we did expect to find other Brits here or at least English spoken and we did expect it to be organised..WRONG! 
We had been able to book quite easily on the Web page and it quite happily took my money about 5 days prior. We arrived at Reception and a nice young man said to me "did you get my email I sent you this morning?" "Errr well no I wouldn't I was travelling here!" "You have to stay on a normal pitch for 2 nights and then move to your deluxe pitch for the rest of your 9 day stay!"  OK so Cock ups happen..until I saw the deluxe pitch..10 metres from the main train line around the lake!  Still trying to Mrs reasonable although I had wanted and paid for deluxe I would take whatever ...ok this now involved 3 pitch changes. ..ok still being Mrs reasonable but then boss woman came to see we have found you a pitch for the rest of your stay..only the one move..great! We are very happy with a refund from the caravan club but the irony is that the original pitch is still empty. We could have just stayed there! There are empty pitches all over the place!
Now we settled..what do we think? This is not a site that I would normally have chosen with kids clubs etc but I have for the grandaughter but I can honestly say it's the best site that I have ever stayed on in high season ANYWHERE! That is really going some. It's not noisey and chaotic like many of the Spanish and English ones. It's not full of drunken lager louts though Dave is trying to put that right!  It's calm with families enjoying themselves and is a pleasure to see. The place is not overrun with fertile kids and dogs. We are the only Brits on the site. Thank god the Dutch are here to speak to!  Last night Molly went to the kids club and before I knew it she was singing and dancing in German! Even my German is coming on a treat! That's a big criticism of the site. It caters primarily for Germans. There are few Hungarians here. Austrians, Slovakians, Dutch  but mainly Germans. The toilets, restaurant, shops etc are all Spotlessly clean. There is everything here including the weather at very good prices. Apart from their booking system and lukewarm warm showers it's very very good so good that I'm toying with the idea of stopping LONGER!

The weather has been very strange. Hitting the 30s most days but during the evening g really freaky thunderstorms-the dreaded hailstones golf ball size. I think we've seen 4 storms.The weather is predicted to get even hotter 38 tomorrow! Loving it!
Oh the Hungarians are lovely. Molly wanted a mermaid outfit..well she needed a treat for a good school I really have to be seen on a beach with her dressed like this?

Thank god we are not in a tent! Boy can it rain!
So today should be interesting. Another hot one. Molly insists on going to kids gymnastics. Should be fun German! Lol
Whatever  you are doing and wherever you are have fun!

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