Wednesday 28 September 2016

Caravan Club Algarve-Andalucian Tour midway

Well having left the wonderful beaches of the Algarve it was time to move on.  A quickish drive down the A22 took us to camping El Aldea at El Rocio. A place that we have been to many times before. There is a huge lake with flamingos on....well normally but it has been so hot it's dried up!

Oh dear... what are we going to do? Do what campers do best..drown our sorrows.  Well there's little chance of anything else getting drowned around here! 

Star gazing after a little too much whisky! 
The following morning we went into El Rocio or cowboy country as we know it and stumbled across a wedding at the famous church. Stunning to see

So lady luck may not have been going with us entirely.  With such an apparant lack of water we were not optomistic of seeing the lynx or much wildlife on our planned safari...but let's give it a go......We saw wild horses, deer, the odd bird but nothing remarkable and theN
The 4 wheel drive decided to become 3 wheel drive! Look at the front wheel! Now it could not have happened in a more remote place. No civilisation anywhere, boiling heat and no phone signal. Fortunately the operators that we were with had radio and anot her vehicle was quickly sent to us

How remote?! When the recovery vehicle got to us it was dusk so we flew back through the natural park. There was no way we were going to see a lynx or an eagle unless they were stone deaf with suicidal tendencies!  It was good fun though. We arrived just in time for our paella to be seven that we had pre booked in the restaurant.  It all actually turned out to be good fun and part of a adventure! 
The following day we made a discOvery.  One of our group went out on a bike and stumbled across this amazing place less than 1km from the campsite.  It's not in any guide books, Google etc but what a find

Probably the nearest we will get to seeing the lynx this time! Now the amazing thing about this discovery. .....there are no signposts.'s all free! Amazing beautiful place. You can freely wander around the palace where day to day life of the harsh areas living conditions is exhibited.
We had a great time at this campsite as usual. Onwards to La Rosaleda at Conil de Fronterra. Another lovely site. First of all a meal in the restaurant that had stayed open just for us and our own private flamenco show

As usual..some of our group had to show them how it's really DONE! 

 A coach trip to Cadiz.  What could possibly go wrong?.....we met the super guide...and into Cadiz on our own coach. We couldn't get anywhere! 3 cruise ships had docked!  The peninsular of Cadiz is only 6k. Each of these cruise ships had about 4000 people! Everywhere was packed. We were unable to park the coach for ages. We went to the Cathedral where I had a slight altercation with a Welsh woman. Our entrance fee had already been paid for and we had our own guide that we also had pre booked and paid for. All the people from the cruise ships tried to say that they were with our group so that they could get in free! No way! The cheek! I quickly told them and the staff that they were not with our group and they were taken back to queue again. One little we showman and her hubby were undeterred and found our group again. Now we've all been guilty of "earwigging" on similar events but this woman was something else. I started conversation with her and explained that it was a private group. She said "we'll I paid my 5 euros! " I politely said everything maybe inclusive on a cruise ship but it didn't include all of Cadiz!  She didn't want much for 5 euros!  I wouldn't have minded so much if they had been discreet but they pushed our members out if the way so that they could hear and see what was happening! It takes all sorts and it was my turn to meet her!
We went around the museum and I found some of the old books fascinating

A little light reading at bedtime?!
We wandered through the lovely historic side streets and my world of cruising was truly enlightened. We found a wonderful place  to eat.  In a strange land you can't help but listen to anyone speaking English.  3 guys some of the ships crew. One loud vulgar mouthed Canadian,  one possibly Danish and a brit how interesting it was to ear wig! Compulsory uniform for passengers. ..lily white wrinkly bodies, big hats, but worst of all white socks and sandals!  Oh yes they were right. They stood out like Christmas trees. I've got the wrinkly body bit so my next cruise is booked! 
It was a great day though
The Queen Elizabeth

I can't believe I cut their feet off but I promise white socks and sandals! They aren't tanned either it's my poor photography! We seemed to have an interesting day and great fun though.
The weather is still very hot 30 degrees at least but it's windy today and a day off.  Tomorrow is another fun day at Jerez.....let's hope that there's no cruise ships there! Lol If all else fails there's sherry that needs testing! Hic Have fun ! 

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