Thursday 11 August 2016

Wandering suspended but I'm back at it!

Well people have been suspicious as to why I have spent so long in the UK this year. ....yes it was a mistake! Time for the truth..the whole truth....
Yes we had someone interested in buying our house. Not anyone but a rugby player from Hull Kingston Rovers who eventually bought it but before I left Marjal I discovered a small lump in my breast. Now common sense told me to stay in Spain but with so much happening in the UK I decided to go back to the good old NHS. Big bad mistake!  I didn't realise how bad things were. I was swinging towards Brexit but my mind was finally made up after these events. Things have to get better for ordinary British people. The system simply cannot cope. Too many people trying to use the service. First of all problems re registering with my Doctor. The earliest appointment was a week away. Hey Ho.  In the meantime we made the mistake of going to a caravan accessory shop.....yes I did like the new Lunar but mine had been superb and had just been serviced. It had been to 30 Countries and was on its second set of tyres! The salesman was impressed with it and offered me £1000 less than I gave for it nearly 3 years ago! "what good condition it's in. This hasn't been used much! " I bartered him down in price just for the fun of it....but then I weakened. No I didn't -Dave did. All very well for him to say he isn't tugging the thing. It's quite a bit bigger but I fell for the shower/wet room which will be fantastic for Marjal and Morocco. (I have a big dislike of Marjal with so many people using the same toilet block in winter and sometimes they can be so far away that when you eventually walk there you forget why you went!) So we bought a new Lunar and then thankfully the house sale went through.
I went to the Doctors and was referred to the breast clinic where my worst fears were confirmed.  My living he'll then began. Government targets etc of 2 weeks wauting What a joke!  Almost 2 MONTHS of our lives in total limbo before it was finally confirmed that I needed surgery. Appointments made for surgery. ....all psyched up......cancelled.......come in the day before. ......cancelled I have to admit it was the hardest 2 months of my life and I really wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.  The nursing staff were wonderful but the hospital was grotty to say the least. The paperwork was Devoid of common sense. I actually found myself laughing "do you consent to the nursing staff nursing and looking after you?!" I started to laugh "no I thought I'd ask the girl on the tills at Asda!" I was tested for MRSA and god only knows what else.  Do you know they even shoved something up my nose! The stupid paperwork took longer than anything else. Having experienced Spain this was really really third world experience.
Anyhow eventually I had my op yesterday which was successful I'm pleased to say. One thing that the system doesn't cope with is someone who asks questions and wants to know all alternatives. If I hear "it's UK protocol" again I swear I will scream. One size does not fit all! They wanted me to have 2 ops but when I repeatedly asked the reason why I was told...'it's UK protocol! " When I said I didn't think I needed it off the record they agreed with me! It's cancer, cancer, cancer. What they recommended would in all probability damage my heart. Having already had a heart attack I said "I don't fancy that.  I can live with cancer but I can't live without my heart! "  So finally yesterday I had my one op and I'm fine just chomping at the bit...I have to leave this place!
In the meantime there was the referendum. Yes I'm proud that I voted BREXIT if only to help the NHS. It was interesting that London and the South tended to vote remain. Come up north and sample what is really going on. Things can only get better. It's broken.  I am lucky I have travel insurance. I have a few pennies in the bank but what if I didn't.  What if I had to rely on that broken system?
Well the pain after the operation was horrendous
. They give you pages and pages of what to buy, how to contact mamilla nurses and join the "hug each other sister" brigade but that's certainly not me. All doom and gloom.
Mum had her knee operation three weeks after I had my op. I honestly don't know who was in the worst state! I was eventually summoned for my follow up appointment about 5 weeks after my op. I met the most horrendous woman I have ever met in my life. If I had felt better I think I would have punched her or at least given her a mouthful. She was the top consultant. She looked like Jack Naylor off Holtby but her attitude was worse! I explained that I was still in pain and still had extensive bruising "well you ve had an operation you know! " I feebly said that I've had bigger operations and been feeling fine in about a week and I really am not that feeble so is it normal for it still to hurt "well you haven't had this operation before have you? ," Oh I forgot to say that there were 5 of us in this small room. Talk about oppressive.  I was then ordered to have chemotherapy,  hercepetin, radiotherapy and hormone therapy. Ordered being the correct word. I explained that I had a heart attack and my families record on deaths from heart conditions was extremely bad and I didn't want to do anything to risk my heart. In her best non understanding tone she snapped "well that was them and not you!" I demanded to see an oncologist. I came from there in pieces but with the appointment that I wanted.

I spent the next few days looking after my mum and doing research. Thank god I did. I came up with the opposite conclusions to Jack Naylor.
I went to see the Oncologist. I saw people undergoing chemo and other treatment. It was so cruel. It was clear some of them had no hope.  If I had any doubts in my mind that I was refusing their treatments they were totally justified. The oncologist was a Pakistani I believe. His real name was something like Dr Sunning but I told him his name should be Dr Sunshine! He had read all my Ntoes!  He was pleasant and polite. He was knowledgeable and human! He weighed up all the risks and benefits to me as an individual! Hallelujah!  "You would only benefit 2 or 3 percent from all these treatments and at least one of them has a strong possibility of damaging your heart so any benefits could outweigh the risks but it's your call!"
My odds of not dying from cancer are incredibly high-probably the same as most women in the street but what an ordeal to go through.
Moral of the story. Don't use the NHS unless totally unavoidable. Question everything you are told but most of all do your research. I'm so happy. As quickly as my life was taken away it's been given back by a sensible oncologist!
Mum's leg is on the mend and she has gone to my brothers.  To celebrate I have brought my grandaughter away for three days to her favourite place in Yorkshire and we have booked a ferry for Spain. I have a great life and one thing for sure I am going to bloody live it!
I have learnt so much from another experience in life's rich tapestry. Some people I thought were friends were too wrapped up in their own problems.  Others e mailed me every day. Those that know me really well were suspicious why I was in the UK so long. Believe me it's certainly not by choice and I can't wait to run  away again!
Or start living again!
So my pics for my blog aren't very good.  I guess where I've been doesn't make such interesting reading! Lol Here are a few of the last few days at least!
The new caravan 

No shit Sherlock! 

Father's day pressies

Dave finds a new friend. Oh and new CAR! 

Kids and camping have really kept me sane ( well nearly!)  Miracles take longer than a few months I guess
Camping friends

The Moors

Goathland aka Aidensfield


Living life again and loving it-even Yorkshire in the rain! Lol Happy camping and safe travels everyone!

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