Sunday 17 April 2016

Well done our Lunar Caravan. Just over 2 years old and you have visited your 30th Country!

I havent blogged for a while. To say that we have been busy would be something of an understatement. Busy? Doing what? Travelling, Planning and exploring..same old tricks I guess!
So in February we set off for Morocco. O how Robbie Burns was right "the best made plans are mice and men" or something like that! We net at La Campina Campsite near Cordoba and already things were not going to was cold! A motorhome travelling with us that was brand new had trouble with its heating and hot water. We managed to take it to a local dealer who did repair it. Off we go towards the ferries. We will stay at a lovely campsite called Bella Vista. The wind got up and up and so did the waves. The ferry to Morocco looked as though it was certainly going to be a rough one. Something told me to ring the ferry company.  The first time in years that all ferries to Morocco were cancelled and it lasted for four days! Instead of Morocco we finished up in Gibraltar for something to do! We thought that entry into Gib was really quick and easy..derr then we realised it was a sunday! Everything was closed except Morrisons! Thank god for their wonderful all day breakfast!
On day 4 we eventually got the ferry from Algerias into Tangier Med. We actually had a super crossing. Things were finally going to plan until I got off the ferry! We were the only caravan there. There were loads of motorhomes but no caravans. I could not make Customs understand that British caravans had the same registration number as the tow vehicle despite having all the paperwork completed beforehand. They were convinced that I had stolen the caravan! Eventually I managed to find my CRIS document that quite ironically satisfied them as it said in English in large letters "This document does not necessarily prove legal ownership!" I hadnt realised that they clearly couldnt read english as I had been speaking in french! Just over 2 hours later and we were allowed to clear Customs. We were the last unit on the dockside! After experiencing terrible weather in Southern Spain things coud only get better....?! No we hit really unusual weather and it was freezibg literally! We then went on to find snow in places that they had never ever seen snow before! Certainly not what we had planned. To cut a very  long story short the motorhome continued to play up with no heating or hot water so we headed back to the coast for warmth! Our plan.. ot of the window! I wont bore you all to death but eventually we found sunshine and heat as well as snow. Change of route again due to sand storms but at the end of the day we all had the most amazing time amd I cant wait to go again! Heres some pics who can do more justice than I ever can!...

Emergency stop for the apes!

What a view from the Campsite!

Fresh oreanges anyone?

An amazing campsite but they had some unusual visitors apart from us

We found these on the approach road to the campsite!

Marrakech never fails to disappoint and this was just the campsite!

The Square of the Dead

This campsite and its waterfalls were a super find

Oh I had to include this. A typical picnc. I asked if they mindeed me taking their picture. Before I knew it they were offering to share their food! I love the Moroccans!

This lady baked our fresh bread every day. It was less than 20 cents. Again what a lovely lady and her bread was as good!

Oh this made us laugh. German engineering at its best. First of all the VW wouldnt start so it was bumped. It then came back and had to jump start a BMW! 

One of the areas that they had not seen snow before. As we would make snowmen they made snow "sheiks" and put sun glasses on!

One of the many Royal Palaces


A young Dutch family were on Tour in this!

Frsh fish anyone? 


Gibraltar from the sea

So from there we went to La Rosaleda campsite and on to La Aldea and into the Algarve
I couldnt fond the real Cliff.This one will have to do in Lagos!

Lovely El Rocio

I stopped at a little town called Santaella and it was palm sunday. Not a tourist in site except us.

Theylugged this thing for miles. Up and down the steepest hillsides

Young and old alike proudly took part

It was far too much for some but many of the locals dressed up as Disciples

One of my favourite sites Las Lomas near Granada but boy we were on the snowline!

The views were outstanding and is the food on this campsite! 
From there we dashed up to Marjal Costa Blanca for our friends 50 th Wedding Anniversary. Unfortunately it was Easter and if you want peace and quiet this is a campsite to avoid/ We are as far back as anyone can get with the exception on the Unfriendly Club but they are actually fenced in! They even have their own Club House that we are not allowed in! So friendly?! lol
So that is the last 2 moths of my life. The weather has finally warmed up and is at its normal temperatures of around 25 most days. The place is lovely and quiet. The pool is open. Just as everything has got great its nearly time for me to revist the UK! More snow?! It will be great to see family again but already we are making plans...Hungary and Poland here we come! Followed by a Tour for the Caravan Club of Algarve and Andalucia.. I cant wait! Fingers crossed as not only are we hosting it but we have planned it! Thren???? With a bit of luck Morocco again. I cant get enough of that place but there again its me..I could finish anywhere!

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