Saturday 28 February 2015

The Caravan Club The Andulucian Grand Discovery Tour Site 2

On Friday we left the lovely Bella Vista campsite and arrived at Rosaleda at Conil de Fronterra. The site is lovely, yet again. It is owned by a spanish family and is somehow modern but with acharming spanish quantnessabout it. The view from my caravan window is simply amazing
Yes thats the Atlantic sea in the distance. Whoever said that Spain isnt green..well they havent seen Spain! The facilities here are really second to none. Bella Vista is good as it had wet room but these showers are the best yet! Shower heads that are about ten inches in diameter with fast hot and I mean hot water, oooh so powerful. Better than my Aqualisa at home! So after we arrived we had a meal in the restaurant with Flamenco dancers. What a night
It all started off...sooo civilised

But then the stars of the show really came on. The flamenco dancers children. Great to see the tradition continuing and boy did they steal our hearts

It was all going far too well and they made the mistake of getting some of our group to dance!

Hmm I wonder why they are trying to train the youngsters up so fast?! Great sports though and good fun. The atmosphere was incredible. Other campers coming up to us and thanking us for letting them join in! One Swiss man was so impressed by our bizarre behaviour he came and found me the following day to ask if he could join the Caravan Club! There is simply no accounting for taste! I am certain it must have been near his medication time! 
Yesterday was a day off. Some went out exploring into the lovely Conil de Fronterra. The nearby town and seaside resort
It was all a bit too much for some!

Yes those black dots in the sea are people surfing!

What a stunning coastline. So very pretty and rugged.Today is another free day but teres so much to see and do in this area. We are going to the point of Trafalgar ehich is only about 10k away where the famous battle was fought and then we think we have found a local fiesta....maybe not but we are going to explore and a civilised? Apperitif drink in the evening to swap notes before our hectic day tomorrow of a guided Tour of Cadiz..oh no with this lot. probably ending up in the bar for our evening meal....what am excuse? Anothet Tour out on Tuesday ;;....when do we get a rest\?!!! Great group though!  1st March=/white rabbits and have fun whatever you do today!

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