Wednesday 25 February 2015

The Caravan Club Andulucian Grand Discovery Tour-what a start!

The Tour started officially on Monday with a lovely meal in the campsite restaurant, here at Bella Vista. It seems to be a very good group  with  many nutters having been on Tours with us before. Yesterday was supposed to be a free day but many people went into Gibraltar which is only a 25 minute drive away.
Today was our first trip out to Ronda and what  a superb day it was. The luxury coach arrived early and off we went. We met our english speaking guiode who was simply fantastic. He was actually born in Ronda and what he didnt know about the place wasnt worth knowing. We started with some amazing views of the campsite and then some more at Ronda created by an eathquake heaven only knows how many thousands of years ago
                             Sunrise over the wonderful Med from Bella Vista Campsite

This was one of the most unusual Bullrings that I have seen. They said that in the centre bit that this one is the largest. Unfortunatly its still used very much today.

The outside of the Bullring

The views were just spectacular

Yes that is water down there!

This town is sooo Spanish you just have to love it!
We then had free time to buy some luch, go shopping etc. The shopping was disappoiting was siesta time! We had one more suprise though.. we bumped into some friends from Marjal camping! It doesnt seem to matter where we go in Europe.. we bump into our mad fellow camping friends! It was great to see you both Jon and Carolyn.
Enough Spanish. We move on tomorrow, heading more and more into deepest Andulucia and I am low on Cadburys chocolate! Disaster!!! No. We are heading to Gibraltar for one last time to stock up at Morrisons. This life is great but theres only one thing thats essential as the caravan or car....chocolate! Cadburys!!! Oh and then theres Yorkshire Tea Bags...You can take the lass out of Yorkshire  but you cant take Yorkshire out of her! Have a good day whatever you are doing!

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