Sunday 9 November 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal Costa Blanca

Good morning world. Well what has been going on? Not a lot. I dont know why this year but everything is extremely quiet. Yes us Brits are definately being shown up by the Dutch and the Spanish. I do hope that things change soon!
There seems to be lots of empty pitches and quite a few regulars arent here. Some have health problems etc but I cant beleive that so many people could be ill all at once!
The weather remains very mild and we cant believe that its November. Yes it does get cool quickly on an evening but during the daytime its very pleasant. Its so quiet around here that Im actually looking forward to doing some work! Happy Hour on Thursday was anything but happy and I would hate to go to a depressing hour! Julio sent the entire hour trying to get a karaoke machine to work. Thank god he was unsucesful or there would have been a mass exodus from the bar. What are they trying to do to us?! A nice pleasant singer would have been nice but come on...Karaoke>! They obviously havent heard us sing! I actually left early in time to watch Eastenders-how sad is that?! Is that really me?!
During the day I have resorted to my sewing but others have found good books to read

 Note the eyes closed and that mouth! I thought it was he entrance to the Dartford Tunnel! You take it easy old boy!
Last night I decided to try Longs Bar again in Catral. Wow! Steak for two with all the trimmings and dessert plus a bottle of wine to share 19.95. It wasnt cheap plonk either. It was a nice Rioja. When I said that I was driving they re corked it for me to bring away. Phew! Another crisis avoided! Its under New Management and on a Sunday apparantlay it gets very busy with sunday dinners but they are open until 8 pm. Im not on comission but so far its been great there. Nothing too fancy just plain good British cooking

The Presentation was good which is more than can be said for my photography! Apparantly I had missed some organised entertainment that was on in the bar here but it didnt start until 10pm! Helllooooo where are most of your customers from? Spain or the rest of europe?!  The rest of europe and given that some cant stay awake in the afternoon ,never mind 10pm what a waste! They are just catering for the minority that are only here at a weekend leaving the rest of us europeans who are here all week  to tuck up in bed bored! No dont go there! You know what I meant! Things arent that bad yet! Actaully they nearly were last night when I went to bed whilst Dave watched the bloody Rememberance Parade thing as I really was losing the will to live! 

So  today its off to my favourite market at San Isidro. Yes its scruffy. Yes its disorganised but I love it. I can be equally boring there and buy a weeks fresh veg for about 2 euros! Its a true  Spanish=Moroccan and very little english is spoken. It gets great fun when I try to barter in pigeon spanish which comes out in my own unique language Spanish.french and english. Fes What a  great language- It could catch on who needed Latin?! but who the hell  knows what I will finish up with! 
So all I have to say now is Au luego bye and have a good day! 

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