Thursday 23 October 2014

The Caravan Club Riviera Touch Grand Tour..the final update! O wasn't able to keep my blog up to date. If anyone says that they were bored on this Tour they were an absolute fibber! Time? Where did it go? You only realise how many places you have actually been to when you flick back through your camera roll. You look at a picture and think 'that was great but where was it?!'
I think I'm up to leaving the terrible storms in Genoa and dashing to the French Riviera. Camping LA Vielle Ferme, near Nice. Oh one nice day and then.....more rain. On our planned trip out but what a lovely surprise we got later. It just didn't rain it came down in stair rods so we did our guided walk on a coach!

Actually it was great fun. We had a great driver who somehow managed to make it great fun even though he didn't speak any english and we were in a sorry state as we were reliant on my French!
We knew that we were having lunch out but zi never quite expected anything like this. Hotel Negressco on the Promenade de Anglaise. This was the entrance..

The actual restaurant

But oh...the food!

I dread to think how much the three course meal had cost. I only had one glass of house wine....wait for it...10 euros! I can get 3 bottles for that! Wow though. What a fantastic treat. It is listed as one of the best hotels to stay in in the world. Oh boy I can see why! Oh I even took pictures of the ladies loos. I was just blown away by this place!
It was far too nice to even go for a pee in!
Next stop was our final move on the Tour to Sommieres. We went as the advanced party ( in more ways than one!) to make sure that it was safe due to previous flooding. I'm pleased to report that it was perfectly safe at Domains due Masserau. I went to sleep to the sound of owls and was awoken by a bloody donkey! Here I am camping with all my friends!

But at least the pool was open and I had it all to myself!

The others soon arrived and the weather picked up again. We had two more coach trips. One to Aix in Provence and the other to Montpellier. Both beautiful cities but!
The farewell meal was great fun. It had been planned in a nearby restaurant that unfortunately had recently been flooded so we pinched their chef and the campsites conference room and...voila!

Even in such circumstances the chef managed to surprise us with the dessert when he pulled back the dividing door.

He set fire or whatever they call it to lovely homemade ice cream! Wow!
Now I have to admit that there aren't any pictures after this point and I'm just praying that no one had a video camera. Chris got his guitar out and someone had to lead the singing didn't they? Why? I'm a shy, quiet, reserved sort of person you know! A great bring on the next one!

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