Monday 13 October 2014

The Caravan Club The Riviera Grand Tour French Riviera

What a lovely day on Saturday. You can walk from this campsite into one of my favourite cities in the world, Antibes. I hadn't been there for twenty years and it still didn't fail to impress. The prices didn't either though! 10 euros plus just to park the car for 3 hours! OK so its the real millionaires playground but I'm certainly not a millionaire! Its so..French! Narrow winding streets, chic shops and of course those yachts!

Look at the gym in that side-even I might be tempted to exercise.

I couldn't afford one of these even if I did win the lottery! How the other half lives but are they happier than me in my little caravan? I doubt it.
Yesterday was a bonus. Due to the weather we moved early so I organised an extra trip to Monaco. Now normally there is a lovely double decker train that goes from the campsite but you guesses..we are in France..they are on strike so coach it had to be. The weather was overcast but pleasant enough for walking around. Its one of the few places that I can get really excited by cars -'err not another Ferrari!" Common! 

For sale?! Then I saw one that I could afford....

It looked impressive outside the Formula one shop!

outside the famous casino

We do have some dreamers in our group!

The truth of the matter is that we arrived by bus. We couldn't afford a meal so we found a supermarket and bought a sandwich and sat on a wall to eat them! Some would say that we looked like tramps. I prefer to say 'we had a picnic!"
We were awaken this morning by another blooming thunder storm. Today is a walking trip around Nice and then a meal in a very prestigious restaurant ( I can't even spell the word!) Do you think they will let me in with my walking boots and kagool?!
Someone always has to lower the tone! Lol

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