Tuesday 30 July 2013

Spanish motorhome rental

A friend of mine who has been in the camping business for years has come up with a fan exciting new idea that I have been helping him with. Its so simple I can see it being a winner. As we are sited about half an hours drive from Alicante airport he is in the ideal location to rent out motorhomes for holidays.He has lots of motorhomes available for hire but he shocked me when the first one he brought down is a gorgeous American R.V!
You should see the inside of it cream leather! Its fab. The idea is standard motorhomes for rental but he got a bit carried away! Its a great way of having a cheap luxurious holiday,saving on that long journey through France or the long Spanish crossing just get a bud
get flight into Alicante and be collected and taken to your motorhome and go where you please (within reason!)
He's started a web page WWW.spanishmotorhomerentals.com that should be finished tonight. I really think that he should let me be the test pilot on this R.V but it may take at least a month!www.spanishmotorhomerentals.com


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