Sunday 26 July 2015

We actually went camping in Yorkshire!

Ok so I've been quiet for a bit. The reason being is that I've been camping on the North Yorkshire Moors. O2 and all the other network providers don't think that the sheep need phone or wifi signals! The sheep might not but there again I guess we went up there for something different and it didn't fail to deliver! We decided to take our 5 year old grandaughter away for a week. She is camping mad so we knew that we wouldn't have any trouble on that score.
wow researching campsites in the UK,  what a minefield! Initially I went on the Caravan Club Web page to check out there sites as they are always good but.. £25 a night was just not going to happen! The Yorkshire lasses war cry reached fever pitch "how much?!" Some had different offers on but at the end of the day it was all about the same price. All I wanted was a clean toilet block,electric and water. In an ideal world a playground too. I then checked out CLS in the area. Basically farmers fields. £20 a night! The world has gone mad! After hours of research I found
£12.50 a night that fitted the bill perfectly. I telephoned. The lady said "That field is full. We have another 2 fields that take caravans" That will do for me £12 a night! Great. OMG we didn't bargain on the first bit of excitement as soon as we arrived, the Yorkshire Air Ambulance arriving on site. There had been a car accident on the road outside. It looked bad where the car had landed but fortunately there were no serious injuries but what a first class display we got!  The wind from that helicopter tested our awnings! The scenery was simply stunning with the modern aircraft in the foreground. 
After that excitement we had a look around. This was a real working farm and we loved it. Cows in the field next to us. Opposite was a cow who had literally just given birth, There was a donkey with her baby, goats with their kids, chickens, pigs and a super playground and toilet block...Heaven for less than half the price!  We virtually had to drag our grandaughter away from the site! We HAD to go to Whitby,or rather I wanted to!
Even in grotty weather this place is still stunning!

A really great boat trip out of the Harbour is on the replica " endeavour ". Fun but educational. All about Captain Cook. Even for grown ups (well nearly grown ups!) It really is inspirational what this man achieved.
We also visited Scarborough. Well we visited several times to be honest!

The first seaside resort in the Country and some things just haven't changed since I was a kid and probably my parents time too! 

Hmm.  She kept this business interest quiet!
She fancied herself as Doctor Doolittle

Now who said painting by numbers was just for kids?!
On Saturday we visited one of the Many country shows. Horse jumping, dog shows, rare breeds etc etc. Molly has a habit of mixing with the wrong people and was quickly led astray

We had a great time enjoying the simpler things in life. We couldn't help but notice all week that the CL up the road didn't have a caravan on all week, yet the site we were on was busy..hmm anything to do with price and sheer greed?!
Honestly, I know I am biased but Yorkshire is simply stunning. The locals are friendly, although we noticed cars from all over Europe there, maybe trying to find some good old English nostalgia too. Nothing has changed. Time has stood still.If Queen Victoria dropped by tomorrow she would still recognise the place! This campsite and area I would recommend to anyone. My only complaint is the prices of things £38 EACH to get into Flamingoland! North Yorkshire Steam Railway simarly priced. Caravan sites empty. No one using them?! Hmm why?! Stick to the simpler things and you can't go far wrong and save a fortune. A great week. If only it had the weather I wouldn't leave! 

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