Tuesday 28 April 2015

The Caravan Club Highlights of Spain Grand Tour 2015 Madrid

Correct the weather finally improved slightly and we went on our coach to Madrid.  We had the most fantastic English speaking guide, who really made the day. We were able to use our coach as a -hop on/off bus as the streets are so wide and spacious. I think it is just about possible to see Madrid in a day, well she  certainly had a good go! The first stop was for coffee. This went down very well with the male participants. I wonder why?

Yep I'm not a football fan but it is impressive. 3 euros for a coffee?, However much are the tickets?,
or so now I've got to remember what my other pics are....!

Oh yes that was the Post Office! The got thought it was too grand recently so they took it over!

View of Madrid, with Royal Palace in the background

Now how the heck do they do that?,
There's lots of photos missing...ie the lunch....A typical chickpea stew. It sounds awful but believe me it wasn't!  It was so good that there was no time to take pictures,only to eat! Oh go on then...drink as well!
The Palace was stunning as usual. We arrived back at the campsite at 7 and I think everyone was in bed by 10! No not together-its not that type of Tour!
Oh, I just found a couple of pics of the campsite and it's spectacular terrace. I will add them here

Who put that gin and tOnich there?! Today is a day off which basically means a wash day! Whatever you are doing I hope the sun shines on you! 


Sunday 26 April 2015

The Caravan Club Highlights of Spain Grand Tour 2015 Stop 2

We left Haro and headed for camping Monte Holiday, just outside Madrid. This place never fails to disappoint. The super deluxe pitches overlooking the stunning countryside and the staff here and their efficiency and friendliness really cannot be beaten. We arrived in the early afternoon  and had the most amazing meal in the restaurant. The entire evening from start to finish was impossible to fault.

Suck Peter suck!
All I can say that this was really Spanish cuisine at its best. Being sad I came back to the caravan and watched Masterchef  but the food that we ate last night would have beaten anything on there,!
So today was a coach trip to Segovia.  The campsite sent a lovely member of staff with us. The forecast was showers so she promptly gave each couple a golfing umbrella!  She then went on to hand out goody bags for our hours coach journey! Bottles of water,boiled sweets,tissues and maps! Some of the ladies were a little cold so the member of staff nipped into a shop and bought us all scarves,
! Service and care or what?!
 It was an interesting day and then we were fed again....suckling pig . The restaurant was amazing but the views did it for us

The view from the dining table!

Some views inside however weren't so good!

Segovia and her aqueduct is why we were really here!

The cultural bit..This is where Is a belle the Catholic was crowned.  What she later went on to do for this Country was unbelievable.

How I love this scenery here. The view of my van

I couldn't help laugh when our friends and neighbours put their new canopy up

I was getting a bit worried. We are staying for 6 nights here. I think Lizs arms might be a bit sore after that length of time!
Well today ,Sunday is a day off and all its done is rain...One thing for it...team meeting in the bar. Watch out Madrid tomorrow here we come,


Wednesday 22 April 2015

The Caravan Club Hightlights of Spain Grand Tour 2015

Morning world. I havent blogged for a while but I know quite a few like to know wthat we are up to. So yesterday was day 1 of this Tour. We finishrd the Andulucian Tour which was great fun and tried to have a break at Marjal Costa Blanca for a while but that didnt quite materialise as we still had 9 sites to inspect! We found some super new sites that will be joining the Clubs network next year so that was quite exciting-maybe I need to get out more! Oh whilst we were at Marjal we had the first real problem with our Lunar Caravan. A manufacturing defect on the front gas box! Eeks It didnt look good with bungy clips holding it in place! Now could a bigger piece of the caravan break? Could I be in a more difficult location? Easter right when I needed the part? All I can say is that they were amazing! Within a week a new front box was sent to Marjal free of charge! I was able to have it fitted and on I went! What service in this day and age. This caravan as you can imagine gets really put through its paces and thats the very first time Ive had to claim under warranty. I think its already been to well over 20 countries and approximately20 000 miles so not bad going at all. To havr it repaired so quickly Im a very happy bunny!
We finished inspecting on Sunday and had a days rest before people started arriving early for the Tour. We are at Camping de Haro. The capital of the Rioja region. Last night my brief was to get everyone from the Tour into the bar for A welcome drink. A drink?!!! Well they were going to open the bar especially for us but being the tight canny true Yorkshire lass I worked out that if we did our own thing with the money allowed we could all have several drinks, if not an entire bottle up here for the money allowed for one drink! I put it to the particiapnats and guess which they went for? Well we are in the Rioja region and we needed to start the Tour in a good and proper way! The trouble was just as we started so did the thunderstorms! It would take more than that to dampen our spirits particularly after consuming so much wine! We found a sheltered area and had a great night. Im not sure what the weather is going to do today as we possibly have a group  barbecue. The group are really great as usual and from all walks of life but would you believe it more than 75 percent of the group are from....yorkshire! Dont worry about it though we are giving the others elocution lessons! They will be speaking properly in no time at all! We only have one motorhomer and the friendly banter was great fun. Some of this Tour have been with us before and its lovely to see familiar faces as well as meeting new ones. Others havent done Tours at all before and some have never ever been to Spain. Certainly with this Tour they are in for some suprises.
Tomorrow we go to one of my favourites Monte Holiday. Some were amazed how mountainous Spain is just coming from the ferry ports,. Wait until they see this and so close to Madrid. I think it could ahve something to do with the food as well as to why I love Monte Holiday so much. The restaurant there is to die for and some of the trips out are also good too-complete with food. Is there a theme running here?! I hate cooking! Theres so much more to life but eatings a different matter! I watch Masterchef but some of those dishes?! If I was served some of that up it would be gong straight back!
I wasnt very good with my camerra last night, I was a little pre occupied I will try better..so onwards and upwards Id better check out the forecast and see if I can convince the men to cook for us on the barbecue! Any excuse. Have a good day folks!