Wednesday 15 March 2017

Getting ready to wander

Well I haven't blogged for ages as nothing much seems to have happened. The weather in Spain has been worse on many days than the UK!  Yes we have even had snow in the first time for more than 90 years! Snow on the beaches, roads blocked, roads flooded and the infrastructure is simply not geared up for it. The campsites even less so. We have spent the last 4 days caged in. I have severe cabin fever! I am on count down now for going to Morocco. My two jumpers just about stand up on their own. I need to trade my flip flops in for boots.
So apart from getting cabin fever what has happened? Mother decided to buy a new build house in Hornsea. We had both sold our previous houses. Mother...oh my her to bits but sometimes I do despair. I don't know how she thought everything  was just going to "fit into place" when she hadn't seen the house built!  Everything had just about been done from Spain.
We were already planning on flying back to the UK for Christmas so had booked flights with the idea if going to a hotel.  My mother is anything but stupid "stay at mine" she said.  We should have known better! We flew into Leeds and picked up a Hire Car. We used the sat nav on the phone and it took us 2 and a half hours,  travelling via York and Harrogate! We arrived at the new house.  Nowhere to park the car as a builders van was in the driveway.  Not the most promising if starts. We had the key and into the house. ..oh was warmer outside than inside!  We could see our breath. Whoever had set the central heating hadn't done it right!  New carpets down but boxes boxes everywhere and in the daftest places. Something serious happened. tea bags! Being a true Yorkshire lass I had an emergency supply of tea bags in my handbag and some long life milk that I had borrowed months ago from Brittany Ferries.  The major crisis was averted. We had to unwrap all the new bedding with our coats on and attempt to make a bed. We couldn't feel our hands. I think we just slept with sheer exhaustion.
I got up and was in the local Co op by 0800 the following day gathering the "essentials" milk, teabags, Weetabix,  etc. I was totally in a world of my own with my head down when a voice said "it's Jeannie isn't it?  We haven't seen you for a while! " A few words were exchanged but then she said "you all come home to roost" I never gave much thought to it at the time and carried on.  5 days solid of "boxing" No not that type of bixing -undoing boxes! Boxes labelled Christmas decorations. ..contained....videos!  Boxes marked "kitchen utems" contained. ...bathroom items!  It was hilarious.  Why the he'll had she kept videos when we don't even have a video player us beyond Me!  Who keeps cassettes? Lots if MOTHER!  Pans. We could keep all the hotels and pubs going in Hornsea and beyond but did we find a kettle? ! It was a great source of amusement and kept us working away until I dare ask my family to Christmas dinner Yes we had worked that hard that the house was nearly habitable.  They preferred chicken to turkey and one grandaughter particularly wanted beef. Off we went all having a great time until a funny smell came from the kitchen.  You need a degree to operate the new built in oven and there I was apparantly grilling the chicken! Saved in time and no damage done. We had a great time managing Christmas dinner for 6.
We visited a local pub that is well within staggering distance and we sat looking at this group of old men. I kept thinking "I know yiu" They sat looking at me. In the end I remembered one if their names and straight away he said "whatever happened to that lovely long black hair? !" Part of the old gang that I used to knock around with. It went on like that the entire time that we were there. It was lovely.  It was like time had stood still. Linda words kept ringing in my ears "they all come home to roost" . I went into shops and wanted something and was remembered "youre local aren't you?" Am I? I've been away more than 25 years but yes I guess I am! The atmosphere was so great on many occasions we were chucked out the local pub at gone midnight!  Talk about "picking up where we left off! " and "somethings just don't change".  I took the eldest grandaughter to a local cafe and she wanted to sit in a particular seat. It wasn't until I sat down beside her that it all came flooding back to me ...that's just where I sat with my granny!  Spooky but lovely and reassuringly  familiar ...maybe we do all "come home to roost? !"
Dave was enjoying it as much as I was and he was readily accepted. I didn't want to leave. We had bought tickets for a New Years Eve do at Marjal  but there was no real live entertainment on and then the site would be overrun with the Spanish going wild fir the three kings celebration.  So why we're we dashing back?! We let the bloody expensive flight with reserved seats etc go without us and we stayed another 2 weeks!  The longer we stayed the more we loved the town and the house.  US 2 that were never ever buying property  again or being tied down.  The house is the first in a row of 3 and the other 2 are still for sale. In our minds we had bought one to live in, bought one to rent and then the idea. ..derry we want a house to use over winter mum wants one to use over summer. Why leave 2 houses  with all the expense?  Common sense prevailed and we are now buying half of the house. It will not only give us an investment but an "equity release" for mum too. Half bills half everything.
So that's what we are doing.
Time has now flown by and here I am finishing this in March! The weather has been absolutely awful in Spain this year. We eventually flew from Leeds and it was 12 degrees when we left.  We landed in Alicante and it was 12 degrees! Rain, rain and more rain. The sites cannot cope as they were built intending there to be dry sunny thing for it. ....we escaped to Morocco and have just got back to Spain! I am doing a separate blog on Morocco.  All I can say is "I used to wonder why people spent winter in the UK Now I wonder why people winter in Spain! Do it!  Lol